17 Nov 2022

8m FT8

 I am on 8m QRP FT8 on 40.680 MHz. So far today, no stations spotted but I have been spotted by SR4DON (1352km).

UPDATE 1656z:  No further spots on 8m FT8 today. My 8m WSPR local tests start on Monday Nov 21st.

UPDATE 1720z:   I have just written an article about 8m for Practical Wireless. If they publish it, it should appear early next year. My aim is to try to get a tiny 8m amateur band by NoV and dispel the utterly stupid myth that such a band would be "more of the same".

10m QRP (500mW) WSPR TX

Currently I am on 10m QRP WSPR TX with my 500mW W5OLF beacon. 

UPDATE 1701z:   19 spots of my 10m 500mW WSPR today.

Pye Telecom PF9 - NOT amateur radio

In my working life, I worked on the famous PF8 and PF85 products. Many of these famous products were converted for use on the 70cm amateur band. I also worked on the 2 unit PF9 which replaced the PF1. Unlike the PF8, I have not seen these on the second hand market or converted for use on 70cm. 

Sunspots Thursday November 17th 2022

Solar flux is 133 and the SSN 85. A=2 and K=1.

16 Nov 2022

Autumn colours - NOT amateur radio

All the seasons have a beauty all of their own with the brown leaves of autumn especially lovely as at Anglesey Abbey earlier today. 

8m ISM band for all?

At the moment, I am trying to drum up local support (near JO02DG) for some very low power WSPR tests in the 8m ISM band.  

Following a recent email from OFCOM, it is my view that anybody in the UK may use the 8m ISM band without a licence for beacons as long as they meet IR 2030. This allows 10mW ERP.   At first sight, this seems very low, but with WSPR this could well be spotted across Europe from the UK.

These local tests could indicate what might be possible.

Of course, I would much prefer a tiny, digital only, amateur allocation at 8m.

UPDATE 1228z:  Interestingly, the majority of my 10m WSPR spots today would have been possible at 10mW ERP assuming the local noise floor permitted.

UPDATE 1630z:  Several locals have offered help with my upcoming 8m WSPR tests. The tests should take place very soon, probably next week. 

UPDATE 1636z:  Of course access to the ISM bands does not have to be just 8m: here in the UK as long as long as IR 2030 is met many ISM bands could be used for beacons legally without a licence is my interpretation. ISM rules vary with countries and I am not a legal expert, so you will have to check yourself.

10m QRP WSPR TX (Wednesday)

At the moment I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from my W5OLF beacon. So far, spots from the Canary Is, although I have not been on very long.

UPDATE  1543z: 10 unique stations have spotted my QRP 10m WSPR.

Oscar 100

This Qatar satellite has been in geosynchronous orbit for several years now. It has never really caught on. When I monitored last night (European evening) at 1955z there were just a few stations active on the narrowband transponder. It feels people (a very few) enjoy the challenge of getting active on the satellite, then lose interest.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .


Last evening, I went on DMR briefly. As I have no DMR gear, I used my Android network radio with an app called Droidstar. With this, access to the worldwide DMR network is possible.

My only reason for going on was to briefly go on the local CDARC net to give my apologies for tonight's FM net.

DMR is OK to have on in the background, but does not exactly "turn me on". It is OK for skeds, nets, and worldwide chats with a handheld, but is not really my "thing".

My network radio is an Inrico T320. It is ideal as a DMR handheld.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/network-radio.

Sunspots - Wednesday November 16th 2022

Solar flux is 134 and the SSN 69.  A=2 and K=0.