Despite asking for some local support for my 8m ISM WSPR experiments at 10mW ERP, I have so far heard ......nothing.
All I was asking for was to monitor 8m WSPR at my usual power and then later at 10mW ERP, which is the limit set by OFCOM to operate on 40.66-40.70 in the UK without a licence as long as IR2030 is met.
Without help locally, I cannot proceed.
One possibility is to arrange skeds at full power and then at 10mW ERP.
It is my view that 10mW ERP WSPR will be copied locally. Even this low power could well be copied around Europe on WSPR when Es is good.
It is my view that we have to prove OFCOM and the RSGB wrong. A small amateur band at 8m would be good for self-training and research.
The hobby should be about self training. I am so far disappointed that nobody has yet come forward to help. Most do not have 8m antennas, so I am expecting a variety of antennas to be used. At most, this would be a few hours monitoring WSPR.
If successful many more people could use 8m.
UPDATE 1832z: Offers of local 8m RX help so far? Nobody. I am very disappointed.