10m QRP SSB DXCC was achieved over 30 years ago, so I no longer actively chase DX. If I chance on DX that is fine, but I cannot see the point of just going after it purely for another tick. 8m is different as this is real radio science.
These days I am far more interested in radio propagation. My favourite HF band remains 10m. Antennas are small and when it is wide open the world can be worked with low power on SSB..
Mostly I am on WSPR or FT8 because of my poor voice. I am told fewer people are on SSB these days. Chasing DX on FT8 seems to be the favourite activity. I guess there is less need for amateur radio for those just wanting to chat. Some years ago there was little choice.
If you want to know what some DX sounds like you may want to look at this site.
See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/dx-soundbites-2020 .