10 Nov 2022

OFCOM spectrum roadmap

OFCOM has released its latest Spectrum Roadmap. See the OFCOM website for details. Yet again, the bias is towards microwaves and users that pay. 

All I am asking for is a more open and tolerant attitude to radio amateurs who seek to "self train" and do research possibly on new chunks of the radio spectrum. I see little evidence.

The document starts:

"The radio spectrum (the invisible waves that enable wireless technology)...."


Apt saying - NOT amateur radio


This was on Facebook earlier. 

Plans for today (Thursday)

 At the moment my plan is to go on 8m FT8 QRP at about 1230z hoping to be spotted in the USA. I do not plan to go on 10m FT8 RX although I might go on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. 

Sunspots - Thursday November 10th 2022

 Solar flux is 138 and the SSN 81. A=7 and K=0.

9 Nov 2022

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My signal did not span the Atlantic today, but I was spotted in a new country - Denmark. I have lost count how many countries my QRP signal has been spotted in.

Doorway - NOT amateur radio

This doorway is on the winter walk at nearby Anglesey Abbey. It has always intrigued me. It is through an old wall. I have no idea how old it is, but I'd guess it dates from the 1800s.

ISM bands legal operation

In some countries, people operate beacons to study radio propagation without needing a licence in the ISM bands. In the UK, such operation is unclear, so I have asked OFCOM to clarify. As I only asked yesterday I am not expecting an answer soon.

My question was:

"May I legally operate a test beacon, to investigate radio propagation, without a licence in the ISM bands at low power? If legal, at what power?"

Whatever the answer, I shall post it here.

In the meantime, this link seems to give a fair summary of legal ISM operation.

My reading indicates that at 8m one can use 10mW ERP legally under the short range devices legislation without a licence, but I do not know about type approvals. Can none type approved gear be used without a licence in the ISM bands in the UK? 

Sunspots - Wednesday November 9th 2022

Solar flux is 132 and the SSN 85.  A=12 and K=3. 

8 Nov 2022

70cm activity contest (UKAC)

This evening was the 70cm activity contest (UKAC) organised by the RSGB. As usual I entered the low power section for about 40 minutes with 10W and the 2m big-wheel omni antenna. 4 QSOs were made (see map).

Poplars and duckweed - NOT amateur radio

This photo was taken at nearby Anglesey Abbey last week. It is about 5  miles from here by car.

Every year all the duckweed on the mill leat is cleared. They are doing it now.