My signal did not span the Atlantic today, but I was spotted in a new country - Denmark. I have lost count how many countries my QRP signal has been spotted in.
9 Nov 2022
Doorway - NOT amateur radio
ISM bands legal operation
In some countries, people operate beacons to study radio propagation without needing a licence in the ISM bands. In the UK, such operation is unclear, so I have asked OFCOM to clarify. As I only asked yesterday I am not expecting an answer soon.
My question was:
"May I legally operate a test beacon, to investigate radio propagation, without a licence in the ISM bands at low power? If legal, at what power?"
Whatever the answer, I shall post it here.
In the meantime, this link seems to give a fair summary of legal ISM operation.
My reading indicates that at 8m one can use 10mW ERP legally under the short range devices legislation without a licence, but I do not know about type approvals. Can none type approved gear be used without a licence in the ISM bands in the UK?
8 Nov 2022
70cm activity contest (UKAC)
Poplars and duckweed - NOT amateur radio
10m QRP WSPR TX (remembered!)
As I am on 8m FT8, my 10m antenna is free, so I have gone on 10m 500mW WSPR TX with my W5OLF beacon. Yes, I remembered!
Spots of me at 1346z |
8m QRP FT8 TX (first) and RX
As 10m was looking good, I have QSYed to 8m (40.680) FT8 TX and RX.
UPDATE 1430z: It looks like today is going to be disappointing for me on 8m. No spots of me or of others today. I am still on, but will probably go QRT later. I think conditions have to be really good for me to be copied in the USA on 8m.
8m monitors active this afternoon |
10m FT8 RX
I have been on 10m FT8 RX for about 20 minutes (it is now 1045z) and, so far, 129 stations have been spotted.
At this rate, I shall definitely be trying 8m QRP FT8 later.
UPDATE 1127z: 234 stations spotted today.
AA7EE's blog
Dave has some excellent stuff. He is really into simple, low powered beacons and makes some magnificent assemblies using Me-Pads and Me-Squares.