5 Nov 2022

10m FT8 RX

It is now 1210z and I have been on 10m FT8  RX for the last hour or so. So far, 286 stations spotted.

UPDATE 1420z:  About an hour ago, I QSYed to 8m QRP FT8 TX. This morning, 418 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX as the map shows.

Farm shop breakfast and walk - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we had breakfast at a local farmshop followed by a walk at Anglesey Abbey where the photo was taken. 

Plans for the day (Saturday)

As my 8m QRP FT8 reached Florida, USA yesterday, I shall be on 8m FT8 QRP TX again later. 

Before then, I expect to be on 10m FT8 RX to get a feel for conditions. I was quite surprised by 8m yesterday as I was not expecting great things.

Grandchildren - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows us with 2 of our grandchildren yesterday. 

2m FT8 last evening

 Last evening, I went on 2m FT8 QRP.  My signal was spotted by 8 stations (no QSOs) and I spotted 15 stations with the furthermost F6APE (553km). Almost as far was DB9VE (551km).  My antenna remains the big-wheel omni.

Sunspots - Saturday November 5th 2022

 Solar flux is 118 and the SSN 81. A=16 and K=2.

4 Nov 2022

Listenbourg - NOT amateur radio

Apparently, this imaginary EU country first appeared last week as a joke. Since then it has a leader, Formula 1 Grand Prix and National Anthem!

Moral: do not believe all you see on the Internet.

See https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/what-is-listenbourg-new-eu-country-viral-b1037604.html .

23cm transverter has arrived

This came today from Bulgaria complete with a small test 2el antenna. Once I work out what leads I need, I shall try some tests with some locals.

There was, thankfully, no duty to pay.

As you can see in the photo, it is very small for 2W PEP.

Spotted in the USA on 8m ....at last

At last, my 8m QRP FT8 has been spotted in the USA by 2 stations with the furthermost N2OTO in Florida (7094km). I am still on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8. I think this was F2 propagation. It was a matter of time.

Kingsbridge Estuary again - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows another view of the Kingsbridge Estuary in Devon where I lived as a child. This is the view towards Kingsbridge from East Portlemouth. Judging by the fields, it looks like August.