See .
3 Nov 2022
Old voice recordings - NOT amateur radio
DMR - like repeaters?
Monitoring DMR on my Android phone with Droidstar, it sounds like a repeater. At the moment a Welsh station is chatting with a station in Arizona in the USA.
Like Oscar 100, it seems the fun is getting the gear going, then it is fine for chats, but people soon get bored with nothing much to say. It is OK to listen to in the background or for nets and skeds. It does not give me much pleasure.
UPDATE 1212z: Some transmissions are quite broken up either because stations are coming in via repeaters or packets are being lost over the internet. Some signals are very good indeed. It is amusing to hear stations all over the planet chatting like locals.
Teenage home - NOT amateur radio
This is Kingsbridge in Devon where I lived in my teenage years. The water is the Kingsbridge Estuary.
10m FT8 RX (Thursday)
At the moment, I am on 10m FT8 RX. At 0910z, 99 unique stations spotted.
Stations spotted by 0952z |
Last night's 2m FT8 activity contest
For the first time, I submitted an entry for this 2m FT8 UKAC activity contest. It was surprising not to see a list of affiliated societies. If it was there, I missed it.
This being the case, I am unlikely to submit an entry in future. The only reason I entered a score was to help CDARC. I could enjoy the activity without submitting an entry.
Sunspots - Thursday November 3rd 2022
Solar flux is 130 and the SSN 49. K=14 and K=4.
2 Nov 2022
2m FT8 activity contest (Wednesday)
Starting at 1900z, tonight is the 2m FT8 activity contest (UKAC). Although I often go on with my 5W and omni antenna, I rarely actually submit an entry. I might do this evening.
Stations spotting my 5W 2m FT8 this evening |
71 stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX this evening |
Cosmology - NOT amateur radio
As part of my University of the Third Age lectures , I am attending a course on Cosmology. It is very interesting, but also very hard.
Like last year, I try to take away some aspect of what I have learnt. My overwhelming thought is "this cannot be right". Yes, the explanations sound plausible, but we know so very little. My overriding thought is "in 100 years people will say, "did you really believe THAT?"".
It is very enjoyable just being able to learn for fun with no worries about exams etc..
Next term, I am doing something quite different: the history of the Bank of England.
It is also nice being in Cambridge.
UPDATE 1855z: It has been estimated that there are 60000000000 planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone that could support life. There are billions of galaxies in the universe that we know of. So, it looks like somewhere out there there should be life. Mind boggling.
Nice walk - NOT amateur radio
Quite regularly we go for a walk around nearby Anglesey Abbey which is a National Trust property. At all times of the year there is something to see. It has certainly turned autumnal in the last few weeks.
8m QRP FT8 TX (Wednesday)
Later this afternoon, I hope to be on 8m QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz. 10m so far looks pretty promising.
UPDATE 1842z: No 8m spots.