Solar flux is 130 and the SSN 72. A=9 and K=3.
28 Oct 2022
27 Oct 2022
10 years ago - NOT amateur radio
Enjoying Cambridge - NOT amateur radio
Rallies this weekend
The following have been notified to me. As always, it is sensible to check before travelling any distance.
Sunday October 30th - Galashields Radio Rally TD1 3JX. I do not have contact details.
Sunday October 30th- Hack Green Radio Surplus Hangar Sale. Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. Contact .
10m FT8 RX (Thursday)
In a few moments I will go on 10m FT8 RX. If things look promising I will switch to 8m QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz. The E-W MUF is creeping up towards 8m!
UPDATE 1025z: So far today, 131 stations have been spotted on 10m FT8 RX.
UPDATE 1112z: Either there is a problem my end or with PSKreporter as it still shows 131 spots. Other websites seem fine. I must check the shack PC.
UPDATE 1145z: There was a message on my PC that I have said "OK" to about installing updates outside active hours. . Still says 131 stations spotted. I suspect an issue their end, but I will reboot the PC and install the updates in case this is the problem.
UPDATE 1920z: QRT. Updates done.
New use for T320 network radio
Having owned a network radio for some years, I have found a new use for it.
It looks like a 2m or 70cm handheld with an antenna and PTT, but it is actually an Android cellular phone. With an app called Droidstar it is possible to access DMR and worldwide handheld communication. I cannot see it being widely used for this, but it means I can get on DMR without a special rig or hot-spot.
26 Oct 2022
8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)
My 8m FT8 QRP station was turned on at about 1500z on 40.680 MHz. No spots.
UPDATE 1936z: No spots.
DMR sked this evening
As readers will be aware, last night I got the time of the CDARC DMR net wrong. Although I know the rig works having had a couple of QSOs on TG91, I have not checked if my settings for the CDARC net are correct, so I am hoping to have a sked at 2000z tonight with a club member to prove all should be OK for next week, at the right time!
UPDATE 2222z: The DMR test tonight was successful. so I should be able to join the CDARC DMR net next Tuesday at 1700z.
10m FT8 RX ( Wednesday)
Stations spotted on 10m FT8 at 0924z |
UPDATE 0929z: 52 stations spotted so far today.
UPDATE 1936z: 533 stations spotted today. Compared with recent days, not too great.