28 Oct 2022

Sunspots - Friday October 28th 2022

Solar flux is 130 and the SSN 72.  A=9 and K=3.

27 Oct 2022

10 years ago - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the weather 10 years ago. 

It could even reach 22 degrees C in some parts of the UK this week. 

Since we have lived in this part of the UK, it has got a lot milder. Snow is now rare. Last year we had just one snowy day.

Enjoying Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This morning, my wife, son and grandson went to Cambridge. 

This is my 14 year old grandson enjoying the visit.  

My wife was on her "University of the Third Age" course and my son and grandson went shopping and taking photos.

Rallies this weekend

The following have been notified to me. As always, it is sensible to check before travelling any distance. 

Sunday October 30th - Galashields Radio Rally TD1 3JX. I do not have contact details.

Sunday October 30th- Hack Green Radio Surplus Hangar Sale. Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL. Contact coldwar@hackgreen.co.uk .

10m FT8 RX (Thursday)

In a few moments I will go on 10m FT8 RX. If things look promising I will switch to 8m QRP FT8 TX on 40.680 MHz. The E-W MUF is creeping up towards 8m! 

UPDATE 1025z:  So far today, 131 stations have been spotted on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1112z: Either there is a problem my end or with PSKreporter as it still shows 131 spots. Other websites seem fine. I must check the shack PC.

UPDATE 1145z:   There was a message on my PC that I have said "OK" to about installing updates outside active hours. . Still says 131 stations spotted. I suspect an issue their end, but I will reboot the PC and install the updates in case this is the problem.

UPDATE 1920z:  QRT.  Updates done. 

New use for T320 network radio

Having owned a network radio for some years, I have found a new use for it.

It looks like a 2m or 70cm handheld with an antenna and PTT, but it is actually an Android cellular phone. With an app called Droidstar it is possible to access DMR and worldwide handheld communication. I cannot see it being widely used for this, but it means I can get on DMR without a special rig or hot-spot. 

Sunspots - Thursday October 27th 2022

Solar flux is 122 and the SSN 78. A=5 and K=2.

26 Oct 2022

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

My 8m FT8 QRP station was turned on at about 1500z on 40.680 MHz. No spots.

UPDATE 1936z:   No spots.

DMR sked this evening

As readers will be aware, last night I got the time of the CDARC DMR net wrong. Although I know the rig works having had a couple of QSOs on TG91, I have not checked if my settings for the CDARC net are correct, so I am hoping to have a sked at 2000z tonight with a club member to prove all should be OK for next week, at the right time!

UPDATE 2222z:  The DMR test tonight was successful. so I should be able to join the CDARC DMR net next Tuesday at 1700z.

10m FT8 RX ( Wednesday)

Stations spotted on
10m FT8 at 0924z
I am on 10m FT8 RX as usual. If things are promising late this afternoon, I shall QSY to 8m QRP FT8 TX hoping to see if there are any USA stations spotted on 8m FT8, or if anyone spots me.

UPDATE 0929z: 52 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1936z:  533 stations spotted today. Compared with recent days, not too great.