We experience time as a linear thing flowing from the past into the future.
All our memories are assumed to be the accumulation over our lifetimes. But what if each day we are awake to these memories, but the past never happened? What I am pondering is this: is our experience of time and living correct? Could it be that consciousness is not as we thought? Is each moment actually an illusion?
No, I have not been sniffing glue or am not high on something!
If you look back over the last century or two, lots that we just accepted has proved to be doubtful. Many things we believe correct may prove not to be. Think of creation, evolution, the nature of the universe, genetics, quantum theory, relativity etc. We can only know so little.
I have no idea what is correct, even if there a "correct" answer. All I know is there is so much to know and we are just humans.
We look though a glass dimly...