26 Oct 2022

Time - NOT amateur radio

We experience time as a linear thing flowing from the past into the future. 

All our memories are assumed to be the accumulation over our lifetimes. But what if each day we are awake to these memories, but the past never happened?  What I am pondering is this: is our experience of time and living correct?  Could it be that consciousness is not as we thought? Is each moment actually an illusion?

No, I have not been sniffing glue or am not high on something!

If you look back over the last century or two, lots that we just accepted has proved to be doubtful. Many things we believe correct may prove not to be. Think of creation, evolution, the nature of the universe, genetics, quantum theory, relativity etc. We can only know so little. 

I have no idea what is correct, even if there a "correct" answer. All I know is there is so much to know and we are just humans.

We look though a glass dimly...

Sunspots - Wednesday October 26th 2022

Solar flux is 116 and the SSN 72. A=4 and K=1. 

25 Oct 2022

Cambridge club DMR net

 Guess who got the time wrong? I went on at 1900z, but later found out it was at 1600z, so I missed it. I know it basically works as I have already had 2 QSOs, but was disappointed that I got the wrong time! 

10m FT8 RX (Tuesday)

In a few moments, I intend to go on 10m FT8 RX. If this looks good I'll QSY to 8m QRP FT8 TX later.

UPDATE 2210z:  Earlier, I was surprised how few spots I was seeing on 10m. The PC had stopped working as some software had updated. When reset, plenty were copied. 

Central Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

The parts of Cambridge that are most often in photos are the colleges and backs. Rarely do you see the town. This photo taken yesterday shows the "normal" town where the shops are. 

Sunspots - Tuesday October 25th 2022

Solar flux is 115 and the SSN 46. A=8 and K=1. 

24 Oct 2022

Cambridge in autumn - NOT amateur radio

Monday is my day in Cambridge for my University of the Third Age course on Cosmology. I took this photo on the way.

10m FT8 RX (Monday)

All day, I have been on 10m FT8 RX. So far, quite a good day, but fewer stations spotted than yesterday, so I decided against QSYing to 8m QRP FT8.

DMR joys

It is surprising how well DMR works. I am monitoring TG91 on my network Android handheld T320 using Droidstar. As yet, I am a novice and there are many things still to learn.  Although a vocoder is used to make the signal digital, it does not really make things sound wrong. I can easily detect accents and everything sounds natural.

However, it is fun to have it monitoring on RX in the background. It is amusing to hear USA stations talking to Australia and a station in Ukraine talking with Australians.

The impression is there is more fun getting things working than actually using the mode. Contacts are just too easy!

10m and 8m FT8 yesterday

10m was in excellent form yesterday with lots of stations spotted, so I thought the E-W F2 MUF might reach 8m, so I QSYed and went on QRP FT8  on 40.680 MHz. Then we had thunder and lightning so I had to go QRT! No spots on 8m yesterday in the brief time I was on.