22 Oct 2022

The DMR adventure continued

Most of the day I was trying to get DMR working with Droidstar on my Android phone. Unfortunately I couldn't get the vocoder to download even with a mod to allow sideloading. 

Switching to my T320 network radio seems to be working as I am hearing plenty. Tomorrow, I shall try for a 2-way DMR QSO.

It seems 90% of my issues were due to the vocoder. What should have been easy was not. 

21 Oct 2022

10m QRP (500mW) TX (Friday)

At about 1420z, I turned on my 500mW W5OLF 10m WSPR beacon. No spots of me yet.

I hope WSPRnet is working as I have not had any spots of me today or yesterday which is odd.

8m QRP FT8 TX and RX (Friday)

 At about 1420z, I turned on my QRP 8m FT8 on 40.680 MHz. No spots at 1430z.

Plans for the day (Friday)

My plan for the day is to go on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. Later, I may try 8m QRP FT8 TX . 

Rain - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday we had rain most of the day. We have had a hot, dry summer with extremely little rain. 

The photo shows the view looking from our lounge yesterday. The rain is hard to see. 

Sunspots - Friday October 21st 2022

Solar flux is 116 and the SSN 33. A=7 and K=1.

20 Oct 2022

King's Parade, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows the view looking down King's Parade which is right outside King's College and Chapel. In the distance are the Senate House (LHS) where degrees are given out and Great St Mary's, the university church (RHS).

More apple chutney - NOT amateur radio

This morning, I made some more apple chutney to use up the remaining apples. In the end, 3 jars were made.

4m activity contest (UKAC)

This evening is the 4m UKAC activity contest. Although I have no 4m antenna, I may take a peek on RX. The contest starts at 1900z.

UPDATE 1923z:  As I have no 4m antenna I tried 4m SSB receive with my transverter and a variety of antennas. Best DX was a station in IO82 square. 

10m QRP WSPR TX (Thursday)

 As the thunder risk has passed, I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW beacon. No spots.