15 Oct 2022

Covid booster and flu vacs - NOT amateur radio

Just had my booster jab for Covid-19 (Pfizer bivalent) and Flu. Fine so far. 

Our local doctor's surgery combined with a few others to give them. One jab in each arm. Totally easy and painless.

OFCOM updates

As usual, OFCOM has updated the data it holds on us. See the OFCOM website for details. 

8m FT8 QRP TX (Saturday)

Later, I expect to be on 8m QRP FT8 TX again.

My 8m website has been updated with photos and information on my 8m station and results.   Most times I am on 40.680 MHz QRP FT8.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/8m-band .

UPDATE 1018z:  No spots.

UPDATE 1037z:   QRT at the moment. Back later.

UPDATE 1208z:  On 8m QRP FT8 TX. One spot of me by G0HVQ (181km) - odd distance.

UPDATE 1827z:   QRT.

10m QRP WSPR (Saturday)

My WSPR 500mW beacon was turned on before breakfast and synced at 0802z. Yesterday, 12 stations spotted me as the table shows. No spots yet today.

UPDATE 1039z:  Just the usual spots from the Canary Is so far today

UPDATE 1502z:  9 unique stations have spotted me today including several in the USA.

UPDATE 1623z:   12 stations have spotted me today on 10m FT8 QRP TX.

UPDATE 1832z:  Still 12 stations have spotted me today.

Predicting rain? - NOT amateur radio

One of my friends on 365project posted this photo of cows sitting down. An old wives tale says that sitting cows means rain is coming. A minute later it rained! 

Sub 9 kHz earth-mode

10 years ago I was active with experiments with earth-mode below 9 kHz. When I had to stop because of my stroke, 6km had been spanned. 

Sunspots - Saturday October 15th 2022

Solar flux is 121 and the SSN 51. A=18 and K=5.

14 Oct 2022

Using up gluts - NOT amateur radio

We had lots of green tomatoes and cooking apples, so I decided to make some chutney. 


As the 10m antenna is free, I am again on 10m QRP (500mW) using my beacon. So far, at 1027z, the usual spots from the Canaries and a YO3.

UPDATE 1455z:  10 spots of my 500mW QRP 10m WSPR.

UPDATE 1715z:  12 spots of me so far with the furthermost FR1GZ (9724km).

8m QRP FT8 (Friday)

Most of the morning I have been on 8m QRP FT8 on 40.680 MHz. No spots. 

UPDATE  1446z:  3 stations spotted so far on 8m FT8.  EA8AQV (2930km) was "worked" on QRP 8m FT8. I hope he is legal, but I have no way of telling.