16 Aug 2022

8m experiment (Tuesday)

All being well (storm risk) I hope to be on 8m TX on 40.680 MHz USB dial FT8 QRP later this morning. 

UPDATE 0831z: TX turned on at 0827z.

UPDATE 1310z:   No spots on RX or TX FT8.  At the moment, the storm risk looks low.   As things don't look encouraging, I may QSY to another band on FT8.

UPDATE 1421z: Spotted by S50B (1220km). Now QSYed to 20m FT8 RX with the indoor Miracle Whip in the shack.

Our garden 2016 - NOT amateur radio

This photo shows how our garden looked in 2016 on this day. The grass is green! 

Consciousness - NOT amateur radio

This has been discussed before, but I am intrigued by consciousness. We, and arguably some other animals, have the ability to think and contemplate our very being. 

Is this a function, as yet not understood, of our brains? Does our consciousness just go when we die? Does it somehow survive after we die? Can some computers be sentient? 

Arguably, one of the greatest mysteries is exactly what is consciousness? Will we ever be able to answer this?

Sunspots - Tuesday August 16th 2022

Solar flux is 131 and the SSN 92.  A=6 and K=1.

15 Aug 2022

10m WSPR QRP TX (Monday)

 As mentioned earlier, I am not on the radio whilst we have a guest. All being well, I should be on tomorrow.

Crimean Cannon - NOT amateur radio

This cannon outside Ely Cathedral was a gift to Ely after the Crimean War from Queen Victoria. 

It is a Russian cannon draped in the Ukrainian flag at the moment. 

Note the colour of the grass! We had a shower this afternoon. 

Goldfinch - NOT amateur radio

These colourful little birds are very common these days. They are probably one of the most common birds we see and hear. They are one of the most colourful birds in the UK. 

8m experiment (Monday)

As mentioned a few days ago, we have a guest, so I have not been on the radio.

If the thunder risks are low, I may be on later Tuesday.

Thunder risks

As I have mentioned many times before, I am definitely no expert on thunder and lightning. 

My philosophy is simple: if there is any risk disconnect everything

That is antennas, PCs, mains plugs, mains earths etc.. Although the chances of a direct strike are low in the UK, they are not zero. Also, surges in main voltages with storms in the vicinity can cause damage. Always treat storm risks seriously. I keep and eye on approaching storms. If there is any risk, I take these precautions. 

If you want to try to prevent damage from a direct strike, very thick straps are needed as lightning can be very powerful.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/

Fine House and Garden - NOT amateur radio

This fine house and garden are near the entrance to Ely Cathedral.