This blog was regularly updated and a useful source of information, but I cannot see any updates since May 22nd. I hope John is OK.
12 Aug 2022
30m FT8 QRP with the indoor Miracle Whip.
As 8m was not good (or 10m WSPR), I have QSYed to 30m QRP FT8 with the indoor Miracle Whip. So far, at 1331z, 21 spots of me already! Surprisingly, just 2 stations spotted on RX. This suggests far more are on RX than TX or my RX is very deaf, which I do not think is the case. Just using the FT817ND.
UPDATE 1436z: 32 stations have spotted me (see map). If you have no decent antenna, the Miracle Whip seems to give results on QRP FT8 TX at least as low as 30m. This is with the MW on the shack windowsill indoors.
Cambridge Grand Arcade
8m experiment (Friday)
Most seem to think that the reception of me by HC02 (1808km) in Portugal yesterday was either Es or MS. Later this morning I expect to be on 40.680 MHz USB dial QRP FT8 again. If I get any 8m reports that would be pleasing, although I have no great hopes.
UPDATE 0837z: 8m FT8 QRP TX gear turned on at 0834z. Immediately spotted by Hugh HC02 (1808km). Thank you!
UPDATE 1241z: No further spots today. Currently the gear is off, back on about 1330z.
UPDATE 1326z: As I have had no further spots of me, I have QSYed to 30m with the Miracle Whip on the shack windowsill.
20m FT8 RX with the Miracle Whip indoors
10m QRP WSPR TX (Friday)
At the moment, I am on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW beacon. So far (at 0727z), no spots of me, although I am not surprised.
UPDATE 0918z: Just a single spot of me by OE3XOE (1233km).
Oscar 100 geosynchronous satellite
It is some weeks since I last updated my quick view of activity on the narrowband transponder. My last look was just before 1600z, on a Thursday evening in Europe.
The impression I get is still of dramatic under-use. There are very few stations on, but by now I was expecting it to be busy.
Most activity is from Europe and in Europe most operators are either retired or home from work.
Overall, my advice remains, "don't bother". It is easier to work DX with a few watts on 10m SSB! Maybe at the very depths of the solar cycle things would be different?
This has just not caught on.
Electric car batteries - NOT amateur radio
Sunspots - Friday August 12th 2022
Solar flux is 115 and the SSN 58. A=16 and K=3. This month sunspot numbers seem lower.
11 Aug 2022
Grumpy old man!! Definitely! - NOT amateur radio
This email came to me a few days ago. I hate this sort of thing. It was obviously generated by a computer and sent out as the law says they have to.
It is a bit like those really annoying things that ask you to approve cookies, which most people accept without reading. They are a "good idea", but not if most just say "accept" to get rid of them!
Also banks where at one time you could have chat with your local branch manager. Now, you are just an account number with a call centre across the seas. All personal interaction has largely gone.
In many ways 21st century living is better. In many ways it is worse.