31 Mar 2022
Queen platinum jubilee - NOT amateur radio
OFCOM statement about UK 8m permits
This statement by OFCOM about UK 8m operation has appeared in many places and the RSGB has made a statement. I have re-read the OFCOM statement many times as I have my licence.
Now, I am no legal expert and what follows is my interpretation, but....
I think the RSGB is wrong.
My reading and re-reading of the OFCOM statement and my amateur radio licence leads me to these conclusions:
1. OFCOM does not want to release any 8m spectrum for radio amateurs. Personally I think this is stupid when they could have released just 5 kHz, digital modes only, at 5W, no contests, by NoV, on a strictly non interference basis. Surely self training is what our hobby is all about?
2. As long as those operating on 8m hold an amateur radio licence and callsign and are receiving crossband reports from other radio amateurs using the frequencies only allowed in their licence schedule, I cannot see this is illegal. Yes, those working crossband to 8m non radio amateurs licenced under T and I conditions would be illegal.
3. Inter-working other stations duly authorised to operate on 8m is legal in the UK. Working those in other administrations is a matter for those administrations.
These are my personal views, not legally binding views. You need to seek your own legal position.
UPDATE 1512z: I think OFCOM really wanted a "light touch" on this. As the RSGB sought clarification, they had to answer. The RSGB interprets this differently to me.
30 Mar 2022
Hairdresser - NOT amateur radio
My wife has her hair cut about every 5-6 weeks. The person she goes to is very kind and seems to know all the gossip - isn't that one of the reasons women get their hair done?
BTW, both people had given their permission for the photo to be taken.
The English pub - NOT amateur radio
It looks like they are having a good chat (along with the dog!) over their pints.
8m antenna erection
In the next 48 hours, I hope to erect a wire dipole for 8m. Years ago this would have been trivial, but I am not good on ladders since my stroke in 2013.
Putting this up requires a minimum of 2 ladder climbs. Luckily, both are not very high, so I hope to manage these.
I am really looking forward to experimenting on 8m TX.
My floored loft has not been visited by me in 8 years!! There is quite a bit of amateur gear in one of the boxes.
UPDATE 1352z: Small steps! As I get very tired these days I am doing this is small steps with rest in between. So far I have (1) cut the 8m dipole to length, (2) drilled the hole from the outside into the shack for the coax, (3) lowered the 10m antenna so I can attach the 8m dipole to it and (4) shortened the length of the nylon insulator that holds the 10m antenna in place. Now I need a rest!
10m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)
All being well, I hope to be on 10m FT8 RX after breakfast. Yesterday was a good day on 10m.
UPDATE 0825z: My 10m FT8 was turned on 0811z. Initially I was on QRP TX with 2.5W for a few minutes (just one spot from Israel, but no QSOs). So far, 20 stations spotted at 0829z. AH7C in Hawaii was spotted. I guess this is via the long path. This is the first time I have seen Hawaii on 10m for many years.
UPDATE 1000z: 81 stations spotted so far today.
UPDATE 1218z: 223 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.
Yaesu FT7
The receiver was exceptionally quiet. It had no memories, no synthesiser and did not cover the WARC bands and 6m as none of these existed back then.
It was not small. In fact, it was considerably larger than the FT817/8 that covers more modes and bands.
See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/commercial-rigs/yaesu-ft7
29 Mar 2022
8m UK permits
It looks like at least 4 UK stations will be on 8m TX this summer. OFCOM has issued permits (or is about to) to the first bunch of applicants. Others may follow.
In the coming Es season, it is highly likely that some, or all, will be spotted in Europe. Especially with FT8, there is a good chance of stations being copied by other modes too.
I hope others across Europe apply for special access as well. 8m, being between 10m and 6m, is at a very interesting part of the radio spectrum for experiments. It is mid-way between HF and VHF.
The ZS6WAB 8m beacon has been copied in Europe (including in the UK) on several occasions.
All being well, my first 8m transmission will be April 2nd.