2 Mar 2022

160m FT8 RX overnight

Overnight I was on 160m FT8 RX. In all, 303 stations were spotted as the map shows.  This was with the untuned 10m antenna.

Dalham near Newmarket - NOT amateur radio


This is a village not far from us. As you can see, there are lots of thatched cottages. It is very beautiful.

Sunspots - Wednesday March 2nd 2022

Solar flux is 99 and the SSN 65. A=9 and K=2. 

1 Mar 2022

160m FT8 RX

 At about 2000z, I started on 160m FT8 RX using the untuned 10m antenna.  At 2050z, 54 stations spotted. All were European

2m RSGB activity contest (UKAC)

This contest was on this evening. Usually I work about 8-10 stations, but tonight I worked just one before giving up. 

Some good distances were spotted, but there seemed fewer people on. Whatever I tried, I seemed unable to break through with my poor voice. I only tried for about 30 minutes with the big-wheel omni and 10W.

8m permit

I gather this is "in a queue" as the person is very busy. 

In the meantime, I shall get my dedicated 40MHz antenna up and check things. Until I get the permit in my hands, I have no intention of finalising frequencies or making any announcements/skeds. My hope is to send FT8 on a frequency coordinated with others in the UK and Europe to make monitoring easier.

Certainly, up to now, the man I have dealt with at OFCOM has been fast and helpful.

2m AM, FM and SSB

These days there are few stations on 2m AM. Compared with a few years ago the general level of activity (FM and SSB) is lower with fewer people coming on just for a chat. These days, most go on the internet for a chat.  FT8 activity is higher, but outside contests and lifts, the 2m band is pretty quiet. This is also true of 70cm, at least here.

Many years ago I designed and built the Fredbox. I do not suggest you try to duplicate it, but you may get some ideas from it.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/homebrew/fredbox .

St John's Gate 1516 - NOT amateur radio

This is the gatehouse to St John's College in Cambridge, UK. I go past this every Friday. It is all too easy to take this for granted.

Spring - NOT amateur radio

This photo was posted on 365project today. Spring at last! 

Ipswich train station - NOT amateur radio

Almost a week ago, we went to Ipswich on the train, arriving at this station. I don't think it has been on before, but my apologies if it has.

Ipswich is the county town of Suffolk. We had been told it was a dump. It actually has some fine old buildings and churches and a big park.