12 Jan 2022

6m FT8 (Wednesday)

 I am on 6m FT8 QRP. Apart from a very brief 2.5W TX period (no spots) I am RX only. As usual, the antenna is the V2000 vertical omni. So far (at 1016z) no spots.

UPDATE 1447z:  6 stations spotted with the furthermost LB6D (1030km).

10m QRP WSPR (Wednesday)

 Yet again, I am on 10m QRP WSPR TX with 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. So far (at 1011z) spots by G4KPX (14km) and nobody else. The usual pattern is being followed: at first the crystal is settling, then the drift is essentially zero. So far, 25 spots by Richard.

UPDATE 1511z:  5 stations have spotted me with the furthermost FY5KE (7110km). 

70cm activity contest yesterday

Last evening I had a go at the 70cm activity contest (UKAC) with 10W to the 2m big-wheel omni antenna. After 3 QSOs, I had to stop because of my poor voice. If I had been able to stop on longer, many more stations would have been worked. 

A station in Shropshire (IO82) copied me, but we were unable to complete the QSO.

Sunspots - Wednesday January 12th 2022

 Solar flux is 100 and the SSN 51.  A=5 and K=1.

11 Jan 2022

8m NoV

Three days ago I chased OFCOM as my application was back in October. 

What have I heard? Nothing, even with a request for an update. 

Well, I suppose their excuse will be Covid, assuming they eventually put their toys down and deem a reply to a mere mortal is worth waking them up for.

I suppose if I said my application would make them billions I might have heard in October by return!


Thankfully, thunderstorms are infrequent in the UK in winter. In the more risky months I disconnect  antennas and PSUs to avoid the risk of power surges. A direct strike is probably going to totally ruin things.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/lightning-maps

Family history - NOT amateur radio

My Lapthorn family history can be traced back to the mid 1500s continuously with 1 record in the mid 1400s. 

Back in the 1500s we lived in Hope Cove in Devon. The cottages in the photo are in the same village. 

I suspect my ancestors were hereabouts for thousands of years. There is an iron age hill fort near here. It is quite possible that one of my distant ancestors manned this thousands of years ago.

Gulberwick - NOT amateur radio

Gulberwick is a village in the Shetland Islands not far from the capital Lerwick. This photo was posted on 365project recently. These very northerly Scottish islands can be barren and windswept, but have their own beauty. 

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulberwick.

6m FT8 (Tuesday)

Since about 0900z I have been on 6m FT8 with the V2000 vertical omni antenna. After a very brief period on TX with 2.5W, I am now on RX only.  

UPDATE 0940z:  One spot on TX by G0PQO (50km) and 2 Gs only on RX.

10m WSPR TX beacon (Tuesday)

Since just before 0900z, I have been on 10m WSPR TX using 500mW from the W5OLF beacon. So far only local spots by G4KPX (14km), but at least I know it is working! 

UPDATE 1029z:  Still just spots by local G4KPX.