21 Nov 2021

Covid-19 in Singapore - NOT amateur radio

 Whilst I fully appreciate that some cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, I think everyone else has a duty to themselves and to others to get vaccinated. It is only by vaccination that this pandemic will be ended.

As I understand it, in Singapore, those not vaccinated must pay for their own Covid-19 treatment.This seems draconian, but may make those wavering think again and make Singapore safer for all. 

This is a global pandemic and we all have to do our bit. Side effects from the jabs are very very rare and getting Covid-19 can be so much worse. The jab itself is quick and painless and over in seconds. To be honest, I did not feel a thing!

Our son's cat - NOT amateur radio

As my son is away this weekend, I am popping down to feed his playful cat. 

Our view - NOT amateur radio

This is our view at breakfast. The flowers are orchids. 

10m FT8 RX (Sunday)

My gear was turned on at 0752z.  So far 24 stations spotted with the furthermost HS2KYA (9693km).

UPDATE 1006z :  122 stations spotted on RX with 4 in Australia.

UPDATE 1144z : 288 stations spotted on RX. 10m is becoming too easy again. With FT8 it is even easier.  I seem to remember it became too easy in the last solar cycle. I must look for a new challenge that I can manage. 

472kHz (630m) WSPR RX

Once it got dark yesterday evening I QSYed to 472kHz WSPR RX using the coax to my 2m big-wheel via a ferrite rod ATU. In all 16 stations were spotted with the furthermost being EA4GHB (1300km).

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

Every year about now my wife plants an amaryllis bulb. Often we have several staggered. They grow at a phenomenal rate and give us huge pleasure. The photo shows ours at the moment and in about 6 weeks it will be tall with big flowers. 

8m USA permits

Already 7 stations in the USA have received experimental permits to operate at 8m. Come the next main Es season we could see even more approved and on the air. 

I do hope they all operate FT8 and within a single RX window for them all. This will make monitoring so much easier. 

In the last Es season the first USA station approved was copied in the UK. With 7 operational, things (and chances) can only get better. All that would be needed is a wire dipole and WSJT-X tuned so all the USA stations come in on FT8. Just leave the RX on and see what pops up. Of course, FT8 with a shared allocation would be good for all beacons, not just at 8m. This way, all beacons within the particular FT8 "window" could be monitored 24/7.

It is just possible that the F2 MUF limit could peak briefly such that distant stations on 8m could be copied. All this is new and exciting. We just do not know.

All the USA stations have been given permits in the ISM band. In the future, this could be a most interesting amateur allocation. Never mind transatlantic: they are going to have great fun in the next main Es season. There is a small Es peak around New Year. I wonder if there will be some Es within the USA at the turn of the year?

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/ .  On John's blog there are more details about these USA stations.

UPDATE 0650z:  I gather the first experimental licence has been issued in Canada to a VE7. 

Sunspots - Sunday November 21st 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 22.   A=10 and K=3. 

20 Nov 2021

472kHz WSPR RX (Saturday)

Using the coax up to my 2m big-wheel antenna via a ferrite rod ATU and the mains earth, I am monitoring 472kHz WSPR this evening. So far,  5 unique stations already spotted with the furthermost DB8BG (498km).

UPDATE 2137z:  9 unique stations spotted this evening on 472Hz WSPR.

Pampas grass - NOT amateur radio

Our neighbour's pampas grass looks splendid at the moment.