Like yesterday, I am again on 15m FT8 RX using the coax up to my 2m big-wheel as the antenna, ad hoc though it is! After about 15 minutes, 23 stations already spotted.
UPDATE 1204z: 176 stations spotted today on 15m FT8 RX today.
UPDATE 1441z: 343 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX today. I am amazed how well this "antenna" works. Basically, anything will work. On TX too via an ATU if necessary.
UPDATE 1501z: Just for fun, I went on 15m FT8 TX with 2.5W and this unusual "antenna". Sadly, no spots of me received after a few minutes TXing! Maybe I am being clobbered by a much stronger station, so I'll QSY and try again. After QSYing about 500Hz HF I was spotted at -20dB S/N by SV1ONU (2409km) and at -15dB S/N by K4EA (6742km). 354 stations spotted on RX.
UPDATE 1606z: 395 stations spotted today. After another brief TX period with 2.5W, I was copied by no stations.
UPDATE 1826z: 424 stations spotted on 15m FT8 RX today.