8 Nov 2021

Endings - NOT amateur radio

I am not very good with endings. 

Recently, a close friend died and this reminded me just how much we take ordinary things and routines for granted until they stop. I bet she would love to have him around just doing ordinary things. 

For years we have cleaned the house on Mondays. For years we always visited an aunt in Devon until she died and this ended.

Change is always with us. As my wife said, "enjoy it whilst we can".

10m FT8 RX (Monday)

Shortly, I shall turn on my 10m FT8 RX. This allows me to get on with other things. I can check propagation over coffee later. 

The normal routine here on Mondays is some housework followed by a University of the Third Age Zoom lecture with the XYL bringing in coffee.

UPDATE 0955z:  My gear was turned on at 0853z. So far, 14 stations spotted. Furthermost is ZS4JAN (9366km). At the moment I cannot see evidence of Es. Propagation looks like F2, tropo and aircraft reflection.

UPDATE 1224z:   78 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1654z:  82 stations spotted with the furthermost CX7CO (11111km). On the whole this has not been a good day.

UPDATE 1918z:   Doh! My PC was on batteries that went flat! Normally I have the charger on, but I forgot. What may have looked like poor conditions may have been my PC just turning off. Stupid me!

Heffers, Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

In recent years, "physical" bookshops have had a hard time as more of us buy books online. The biggest in Cambridge is Heffers in Trinity Street. Recently they have had a makeover. 

When I came to Cambridge first in 1970 much of the stock was academic books. In those days the internet was still to come!

Oscar 100 activity

Every few weeks I try to give an update on activity levels on the geosynchronous Oscar 100 using the on-line SDR at Goonhilly Down looking at the narrowband transponder.  Activity levels seem still pretty low. As I said before, people enjoy the challenge of getting going on the satellite then lose interest. 

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Cambridge Park - NOT amateur radio

This was a Cambridge park last Friday. There are several parks in the city. 

Sunspots - Monday November 8th 2021

 Solar flux is 88 and the SSN 20. A=6 and K=0.

7 Nov 2021

EI7GL blog

 John's blog is regularly updated and always seems to have interesting stuff on it. Today I noticed he had been hearing the CW from the Darwin beacon on 10m from Australia.

See https://ei7gl.blogspot.com/ .

Amazing free map resource - NOT amateur radio

If you are in the UK, this is an amazing free resource from the Library of Scotland.  Almost every historical map for anywhere in the UK is available on screen. It is truly awesome.

See https://maps.nls.uk/ .

Activism - NOT amateur radio

One of our grandchildren feels very strongly about some things even though she is still very young. I admire her.  

It is her future we have to safeguard.

Norwich Cathedral - NOT amateur radio


Norwich Cathedral has some world famous medieval roof bosses.