"Evolving the AdSense ecosystem"
What the heck does this mean? I received this in an email today. Why can't they just say what they mean in plain English instead of this meaningless drivel?
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
"Evolving the AdSense ecosystem"
What the heck does this mean? I received this in an email today. Why can't they just say what they mean in plain English instead of this meaningless drivel?
OFCOM has announced the future fees for spectrum at 412MHz. See the OFCOM website for details.
Then I had my stroke and I was just too wobbly for field work. They are still in the shack drawer! It would be great to use these as I am sure much further non line-of-sight would be possible.
At about 0810z I turned on 10m FT8 RX. No spots yet.
UPDATE 1044z: It helps if you connect the antenna!! For the first 2 hours I had forgotten to connect the antenna! I was surprised to get no spots in the first few hours. I then connected the antenna and got 5 spots with the furthermost A92AA (5069km).
UPDATE 1132z: 16 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX with the furthermost PY2XB (9599km) in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
UPDATE 1318z: 36 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.
UPDATE 1905z: 124 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX. 10m is really getting back in its stride as a great DX band.
This photo, taken about 10 years ago, shows my 137kHz TX transverter. I still have it...... somewhere.
See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/2200m-137khz-transverter .
My online application for a time and power limited access to the 8m band is with OFCOM and the RSGB. OFCOM has acknowledged receipt. No doubt it will take months to process. I hope it is successful.
I note that the OFCOM NoV application form has a tickbox to say the RSGB approves. I guess without this they immediately reject it.
My 17m QRP FT8 (about 4W) was turned on at about 1618z. Within a few minutes, I was spotted by 33 stations, See map.