21 Sept 2021

Lunch with a view in Ely - NOT amateur radio

The Almonry, where we ate lunch, was first serving meals in the 1100s. This is Ely Cathedral in the background.

I think our sandwiches were not medieval! They were freshly made today and were very good.

What a mess - NOT amateur radio

We have fought wars in Afghanistan of about 200 years. We left ignominiously recently having spent billions along with the USA. The latest cock-up is revealing the identities and photos of interpreters whose lives are now in mortal danger. 

I am conflicted, but feel after the last 20 years we have spent a lot of money and achieved very little. Maybe we should learn the lessons of history. There is little doubt over the original aims after 9/11. Nation building was never, publicly, an aim.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58629592 .

10m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

Following my usual pattern, I went on 10m FT8 TX with 2.5W for a few minutes and then RX only. No spots given or received and no QSOs.

UPDATE 0902z:  2 spots on RX with furthermost F5RD (681km).

UPDATE 1400z: 8 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost LZ1AG (2145km). Probably a brief bit of Es?

UPDATE 1603z: 36 stations spotted on RX with the furthermost A65BR (5455km) in the UAE.

UPDATE 1803z: 78 stations spotted with the furthermost ZS1F (9745km).

UPDATE 2112z:
112 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today.  QRT soon.

Kingsbridge Devon many years ago - NOT amateur radio

This photo probably dates from the 1940s or 1950s and shows the main street in Kingsbridge where I lived for much of my teenage years. 

137kHz tests with an E-field probe mobile

Before my stroke, I did some mobile tests on 137kHz QRSS QRP using an EFP with an FT817 RX. The EFP was mounted on a mag mount.  Results totally exceeded my expectations. After I reached 24km, I gave up. This was with a very low ERP (uWs).

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/antennas/137khz-efp-rx-antenna .

A world away - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows my office at work in 2003. I retired in 2008 and 2003 feels like a lifetime ago. Strange how things that seemed so important then were not. 

Sunspots - Tuesday September 21st 2021

Solar flux is 80 and the SSN 51.  A=3 and K=3.

20 Sept 2021

10m Phaser

Because of my poor building skills, a very kind amateur in Scotland has built and tested my 10m Phaser kit. All being well, it should be back this week. 

The Phaser is a QRP SSB transceiver, for FT8 mainly, producing about 3W pep. It is a phasing rig designed by Dave Benson K1SWL. It should allow the "big rig"  to be used for other things.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/homebrew/10m-phaser .

Brain overload, stroke and autism - NOT amateur radio

As many of you will know, I had a stroke in 2013, out of the blue. It put me in hospital for 3.5 months. I had never before stayed in hospital!  All strokes are different, and overall I was lucky with all my main functions remaining intact. My fine motor skills are poor.  Although you may disagree (!), my intellectual functions seem unchanged.

I am currently reading a book by Oliver Sacks that has got me thinking. Now, this may just be me getting older, but I am aware of some changes. Since my stroke, I always felt giddy and have had a very poor voice, although most of me works. My wife and I have enjoyed some good holidays both here and abroad. Apart from the giddiness, walking is OK.

In the last year, I have been aware of brain overload. When driving I seem to think of everything that can be a hazard. Driving is no longer a pleasure. Generally, things seem to be exaggerated. It strikes me that this is similar to how some autistic people must experience the world - basically my brain feels overloaded.

It leaves me wondering - are some strokes and some forms of autism similar? I'd be interested to hear of any research in this area.

10m FT8 QRP (Monday)

After a brief session on 2.5W TX I have been on RX the rest of the time. It is now 0840z, and just 1 G spotted and nobody spotted me.

UPDATE 1037z:  Just 3 stations spotted so far. The 2 from mainland Europe were probably Es, but could have been aircraft reflection. At this point yesterday, things were better.

UPDATE 1917z:  Only 7 stations spotted. All in Europe.  A bad day.

UPDATE 2058z:  10 stations spotted with the furthermost LU8EX (11209km) in Argentina.