28 Aug 2021

Photos - NOT amateur radio

If people come to our home they will see lots of photos of the grandchildren about. We have several posters up in the kitchen and put a new photo, taken a few weeks ago, on the wall in the lounge (see photo). 

x80 Rybakov vertical

I bought this about 10 years ago, but apart from a few weeks it was not used and is in perfect condition. 

For those unfamiliar with Rybakovs, these are multi-band antennas that are end fed via a balun. In most cases the auto-ATU in modern rigs can easily match the antenna on most bands. In many cases the SWR is low even without an ATU. They make useful multiband antennas. I believe there are more recent versions available. 

On HF I am almost exclusively on 10m, so this was wasted, so I have recently swapped it for an active RX loop.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/antennas/x80 .

Anglesey Abbey - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, I posted a closeup collage of the dahlias at nearby Anglesey Abbey. Today, I have a shot of the whole dahlia border. 

10m FT8 QRP (Saturday)

At 0705z, I went on 10m FT8 QRP with 2.5W. I was on TX for about 30 minutes, but am now RX only.  3 stations spotted me with the furthermost F4IWN (700km). On RX just 1 G station spotted here so far G4RDC (127km).

UPDATE 1120z:  22 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX so far, all in Europe. Es still probably.

UPDATE 1440z:  40 European stations spotted so far on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1820z:   44 stations spotted including 1 South American.

Daddy Long Legs - NOT amateur radio

This is the season for daddy long legs (crane flies). The photo shows one seen a few years ago. It was a Facebook memory from 2015.

 I like the way they bumble into things. They are harmless and appear stupid! 

At our old house we counted 15 in our bedroom one night. I have not seen any yet this year.

Yesterday on 10m FT8 RX

There was a good opening to South America on 10m FT8 yesterday as the map shows. 10m FT8 Es still occurs, but is less frequent. 

Sunspots - Saturday August 28th 2021

Solar flux is 90 and the SSN is 73.  A=19 and K=3.

27 Aug 2021

Anglesey Abbey dahlias - NOT amateur radio

These dahlias, in the dahlia border at nearby Anglesey Abbey, are usually stunning, but they were very late this year. 

I think they held them back, but there were also late frosts and a lot of wet weather.

10m FT8 QRP (Friday)

In a few moments I hope to go on 10m FT8 with 2.5W QRP. My usual pattern is to CQ for a few minutes then go mostly on RX. Very little happened yesterday until late. 

UPDATE 0812z:  One local spot of me  on TX by G4KPX (13km) and just 1 G spotted on RX - 2E1RDX (139km).

UPDATE 1130z:  34 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX. Lots more Es than yesterday! 

UPDATE 1252z:  35 stations spotted. It looks like the Es has stopped for now. 👎

Yesterday on 10m FT8

After a very slow start, 10m opened up with Es in the evening. In all, 15 stations were spotted across Europe. FT8 is a good mode as there are plenty of monitors and it works with weak signals.