See .
20 Jul 2021
Gatekeeper butterfly - NOT amateur radio
19 Jul 2021
OFCOM statement
OFCOM has committed to make innovation the heart of UK wireless future.
I hope this means access to more spectrum for serious radio amateurs interested in real radio science. See the OFCOM website.
Would not access to some spectrum on a shared, non interference, basis be a good idea?
Switzerland - NOT amateur radio
I keep forgetting that when I am on 6m FT8, I can go on 10m WSPR TX as this uses a different antenna. As of 1014z, I am on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW, 100%, but randomised frequencies.
So far, spotted by HB9TMC at -7dB S/N (strong). This was at 1026z.
UPDATE 1613z: 33 stations have spotted me today so far (see table). A pretty good day. Es has been good today.
6m FT8 RX
Since about 0845z, I have been on 6m FT8 RX. It is now 1004z. So far 103 stations spotted on RX.
UPDATE 1030z: So far this morning, 116 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX with the V2000 vertical omni antenna. Good Es.
UPDATE 1326z: So far today, 167 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX. Most are by Es.
UPDATE 1915z: 479 stations so far spotted on 6m FT8 RX today with the V2000 omni. Nothing transatlantic here.
10m FT8
Once again, after a brief session on 2.5W TX (11 spots of my TX, but no QSOs), I am RX only. So far (at 0730z) 41 stations spotted.
UPDATE 0740z: 67 stations spotted 10m FT8 RX. This looks like a mix of Es and F2.
2m activity contest (UKAC) results
The results have been published by the RSGB. I am still in the same position in the low power section.
Masks in England - NOT amateur radio
Today, July 19th, is supposed to be "freedom day" in England when most Covid-19 laws end.
It was interesting that going to the bakers this morning, nothing had changed. All customers and staff were wearing masks and still only 2 customers inside at a time. From the BBC Breakfast Time it looked like Manchester airport was quiet.
Now, of course, there will be some stupid, selfish people that will go mad. Hopefully, enough people will remain sensible to keep Covid-19 infections low enough.
Personally, I wish the government had mandated wearing of masks in shops and public transport. This is about protecting others and, ultimately, freeing society. By being selfish now, people are probably endangering freedoms later.