9 Jul 2021

OFCOM annual report and accounts

 If you look on the website you will see OFCOM has published its annual report and accounts.

Wild flowers - NOT amateur radio


These are the wild flowers by "our" windmill next door. They look stunning.

10m FT8 QRP (Friday)

 For a change, I am on 10m FT8 today. Power is 2.5W. Let us see what happens. All quiet at 0630z. 

Sunspots - Friday July 9th 2021

Solar flux is 74 and the SSN 23.  A=5 and K=0.

8 Jul 2021

More cancelled rallies

This has not been a good year for radio rallies again, with most cancelled or postponed. Let's hope 2022 is better. 

The weekend another two have been cancelled: the East Suffolk Wireless Revival and the McMichael Rally.

Video channel

From time to time I like to remind readers of my video channel. This gives more details on some of my projects and some of my non amateur radio videos.

See https://www.youtube.com/user/G3XBM .

Almonry, Ely - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, we went to Ely with my wife's brothers and wives. We had a snack in the Almonry, which has been serving drinks and meals since the 1200s.  I suspect the scones are not as old! 

This photo was in the Almonry Garden.


For several hours I have been on 10m WSPR TX with 500mW. Nobody has spotted me yet at 1400z.

UPDATE 1530z:  All day had gone by without a single spot, despite my 2.5W 6m signal getting to Newfoundland and lots of 6m stations being copied. I was getting suspicious, so I reset the 10m WSPR beacon. Suddenly lots of spots! All very odd. Perhaps something with my timing was off. Anyway, all fine now. 
It seems that every time I try, I get spotted in South America on 10m WSPR. Not bad with a self contained unit (no PC needed) about the size of a pack of cards and a low wire antenna. My thanks to Jay, W5OLF for such a wonderful unit. It continues to give me hours and hours of fun.

Iceland - NOT amateur radio

We were in Iceland 10 years ago. There were lots of wild lupins and waterfalls. 

6m FT8 today (Thursday)

Stations spotting me to
1455z on 6m FT8 TX
Already spotted across the Atlantic on 6m FT8 TX as well as lots of spots nearer. 56 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1455z:  182 spots of my 2.5W to the omni vertical V2000 so far. On 6m FT8 RX plenty of stations from North America and the Caribbean.