28 Jun 2021

10m FT8 RX with the indoor loop

At about 0750z, I turned on the 10m FT8 RX with the 50cm diameter indoor loop. So far, 2 Iberian spots on RX.

UPDATE 1022z:  Now 30 stations spotted on RX with furthermost 5T5PA (3791km).

UPDATE 1142z:  59 stations spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1545z:  86 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

Sunspots - Monday June 28th 2021

 Solar flux is 87 and the SSN 32.  A=4 and K=0. 

27 Jun 2021

Earth-mode VLF

Earth-mode is a form of VLF communication that is open to all. With 5W I managed to cover 6km, although far further should be possible even with the same gear. I have updated my webpage to include a link to my earth-mode blog showing my experiments some years ago. 

My understanding is this does not require a UK licence, but check with OFCOM as I cannot give legal advice.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vlf/vlf-earth-mode .

Lightning threat?

Later, we have the threat of thunderstorms. At the moment there are storms on the near continent, but not here. If they get close I shall go QRT.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/other-amateur-radio/lightning-maps .

UPDATE 1710z:  Still nothing here. At the moment the storms are not expected until 0100z tomorrow.

Our son's kitten - NOT amateur radio


Our son has got a kitten. It is proving very popular with the grandchildren. It is very small and playful.

After the pandemic - NOT amateur radio

When the current pandemic ends (it will) things will be different in many ways:

  • High streets will be different. Many of us have got used to online shopping. Some of this started before the pandemic, but certainly this trend has speeded up. Those shops that survive will be those that adapt. Those that do not are unlikely to be around long. Expect fewer shops, more in-town flats and more places to meet. In 20 years, things will be very different. People will shop more locally.

  • People will work from home more. I suspect people will go into the office a few days a week, but maybe commute on fewer days. People will realise that living in a village rather than a big city has its advantages.

  • People will have meetings online more rather than travel a long way. Most of us have been pleasantly surprised how effective online meetings can be. I have attended several lectures by Zoom and sometimes we have had speakers and viewers on different continents.

  • There will be less air travel. People are realising there are actually good places to see without getting on a plane.

  • Live music will suffer. People often prefer live music, but may be more reluctant to travel far.

  • Inflation could rise.

  • Low interest rates will be around for a long time. Savings are likely to suffer.

  • For a while people will be nervous about socialising.

  • There is a danger of social unrest with fewer jobs and more unemployment.

We are going to have a very different time. Not all is bad. 

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/non-amateur-radio/covid-19-aftermath .

6m super-DX

About now each year, we hear of DX openings between Europe and Japan on 6m VHF. I believe there have already been 6m openings from Western Europe to Australia. One has always to watch for pirates who are actually much closer! I very much hope these QSOs are confirmed as genuine.

The regular 6m Japanese openings (and to the Far East more generally) seem to be linked to mesospheric noctilucent clouds that form about now. I am sure this is E-layer, but not Es. I also wonder about some of the very long transatlantic 6m openings. Some may be multi-hop Es, but I suspect many are not. E layer - yes. Es - no.

They do not call 6m "the magic band" for nothing. Well equipped stations can work some amazing DX. Even very modest stations can have plenty of fun with QRP and simple antennas.

This why a future 8m allocation could be so informative to radio science: midway between 6m and 10m could be so interesting. We could all learn so much.  

I am convinced there is a great deal for us to find out about E layer propagation and this is one area in which radio amateurs can really contribute to radio science.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/vhfuhfmicrowaves/super-dx .

UK Health Secretary - NOT amateur radio

The UK Health Secretary has resigned. 

Somehow, the UK press got hold of CCTV tapes of him having steamy embraces with someone in his department. He is seen breaking the very rules we have all tried to follow since the Covid-19 crisis hit us. I do not like the way the press got hold of the "scoop", but it shows him in an untenable role breaking his own rules!

Surely a cabinet minister would know there is CCTV around. This is designed to safeguard them. I feel for the families broken over this. Once pillars of society they are thrown into the limelight in the most ignominious fashion. Lives are ruined. What about the children?

I am sure there are many in high office in many nations with dark secrets.

The UK Prime Minister came out in support of him.

In my view, there is gross ineptness at the highest levels. I am sure this has gone on for centuries. We all have dark secrets, but we can do without those telling us "we are all in this together" breaking the very rules they set us! Gross stupidity! 

In my view, those in government in the UK have lost a great deal of credibility.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-57627610 .

10m FT8 RX

At just before 0830z, I turned on my 10m FT8 RX setup with the tiny indoor loop antenna. No spots yet at 0833z.

UPDATE 0922z:   4 spots on RX so far.

UPDATE 1624z:  13 stations so far spotted on 10m FT8 RX with the tiny 50cm diameter loop antenna this morning. Disappointing so far. At the moment, the Es here today is the worst this season. I shall stay on until late this evening "just in case". With the loop, I am probably not seeing some of the stations others are able to copy.

Man born in 1746 photographed? - NOT amateur radio

This photo appeared as a Facebook memory today. It is supposed to be of a man born in 1746.