12 Jun 2021

New Chinese portable transceiver?

It looks like the Chinese manufacturer Xiegu is going to launch a new product called the X6100. 

Apparently their quality control on earlier products was not good. At the moment this still puts me off Chinese made amateur radio products. If I was spending good money I would expect it to be reliable. 

They'll get there, but still not there yet. 

OK I failed

This photo was taken in 2010.  It shows our grandson who was 2.5 years at the time in my workshop at the back of the garage in our old QTH. 

He is now 13 and shows no inclination towards engineering! 

Oscar 100 activity

Regular readers will know that every few weeks I check activity on the narrowband transponder of this geosynchronous satellite. 

The last time I looked was at 0832z on a Saturday, which is when I would have expected it to be quite busy in Europe, being a weekend Saturday morning. 

It was quiet. If anything, activity is lower than it was with very few stations on. I guess it is just too hard for black box operators!! I have no doubt that if Yaesu or ICOM made a simple solution then activity would suddenly rocket!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

Yesterday (Friday) on 6m FT8 RX and Japan on 6m maybe?

The Es season is in full swing. 388 stations spotted yesterday. 

This is the time of the year when better equipped 6m EU stations make contact on 6m with Japan. This regularly occurs at this time of year and may be linked with the formation of noctilucent mesospheric clouds that form at this time of year.

6m FT8 RX (Saturday)

Once again I am monitoring 6m FT8 RX with the FT817ND and V2000 omni. So far, in the last 2 hours, 10 stations spotted.

Another bee - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday I posted a photo of a bee. I couldn't resist this one. 

Sunspots - Saturday June 12th 2021

 Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 13.  A=10 and K=4.

11 Jun 2021

Bee on iris - NOT amateur radio


This photo of a bee on an iris was taken this afternoon at nearby Anglesey Abbey.

6m FT8 RX (Friday)

Since about 0830z, I have been on 6m FT8 RX using the FT817ND and faulty V2000 vertical omni antenna. So far (at 0842z) 43 stations spotted today.

UPDATE 0915z:  76 stations spotted today on 6m FT8 RX. Furthermost is 4X1YS (3595km) in Israel.

UPDATE 1238z: 179 stations so far spotted today on 6m FT8 with the furthermost 5T5PA (3791km) in Mauritania, West Africa.

UPDATE 1703z:   279 stations so far spotted today on 6m FT8 RX. 

UPDATE 2013z:  376 stations spotted so far today on 6m FT8 RX.

Ducks - NOT amateur radio

On our walk yesterday we saw quite a few ducks. This one (I think it was a mallard cross breed) was sleeping with its mate on a river bank. 

My wife took the photo. It was not amused! 

We were looking for some cygnets recently born, but saw none.