21 Apr 2021

Lyrids MS on 6m

The next few days sees the peak of the Lyrids MS shower.  I am not sure which mode is the best for MS on 6m. 

FT8 was chosen and I shall remain on 6m FT8 RX overnight using the FT817ND and V2000 vertical omni. Within a few minutes several stations were spotted with the furthermost EI4DA (578km), although I am not sure of the propagation mechanism.

See https://www.independent.co.uk/space/lyrid-meteor-shower-2021-tonight-b1835168.html

Trains - NOT amateur radio


Way back in Christmas 2012 we went on a "Christmas special" steam train in Kent as the photo shows.

The English love their steam trains! There are quite a few preserved steam railways in the UK.

2m RSGB activity contest results published

Once a month the RSGB organises a 2m activity contest (UKAC) on Tuesday evenings lasting up to 2.5 hours. I usually manage an hour with my QRP, omni antenna and poor voice. Results have just been published for the year including the April session.

See https://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/vhfresults.pl?Contest=144MHz%20UKAC&year=2021

Salcombe - NOT amateur radio

This is where I grew up until the age of 10. The photo was taken about 60 years ago when there were fewer boats belonging to visitors.

Inter G on 10m

Many years ago, the RSGB ran a competition in the quiet years on 10m in the evenings. Even with 10W SSB and a low dipole, I was regularly able to work stations nearly 200km away. With more power, better antennas and modes like FT8 these sort of distances should be easy. 

With 4W of FM and a CB vertical 30km was possible to other locals.

What I am saying is do not neglect 10m when there is no DX around. We have plenty of space and much of the time it is under-used.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10m_op

10m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)

At about 0914z, I turned on my 10m QRP FT8 with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop antenna. G0FWX (160km) copied immediately. 

I have gone back to the thinner loop wire as I was a bit concerned that the higher RF voltages with the copper pipe inductor, although higher Q and more efficient, could have damaged the matching parts on TX.

UPDATE 1308z: 3 stations spotted with the furthermost OH6EJD (1874km). Nobody has spotted me. I think this is Es.

10FT8R 10m FT8 RX

With a bit of luck, I may have this working by the weekend. It is a DSB RX for 10m FT8.  It means the "big rig" can be used for other things and 10m FT8 can be continuously monitored.

South African 8m beacon copied in Greece

Southgate News relays some information on the EI7GL blog that the South African 8m beacon has been copied in Greece. There is even a recording on John's blog. There was a earlier report of it being copied in Portugal. Both these look like TEP.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/april/south-african-40-mhz-beacon-heard-in-greece.htm#.YH_f8ijYrrc

Grass - NOT amateur radio

Like many, I love the fresh growth of spring with the blossom and fresh green leaves. 

The downside is grass grows! The photo shows me cutting the grass yesterday. 

BBC weather app - NOT amateur radio

This afternoon we are meant to be visiting friends for tea in their garden. Even since last night the BBC weather app has changed its forecast! Despite super-computers it would appear nothing beats a look out of the window!