8 Apr 2021

QCX Mini

Also in Practical Wireless this month is an article about building the QCX mini 5W CW transceiver from Hans Summers G0UPL at QRP Labs. This is a tiny transceiver for HF with some very interesting features. It is very tiny.

St Helena 2m beacon

In PW today (May 2021) is report on the new St Helena 2m beacon ZD7GWM/B being copied in South Africa and Namibia. This is a sea path over water that is mostly warm, so some tropo ducts can be expected at times. It will be interesting to see if this is copied in South America or the Carribean.

Grandson at Dalham - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of our grandsons at Dalham near Newmarket earlier today.  

This is a fine avenue of trees leading up to the church.


10 years ago I had a QSO with my Fredbox transceiver on 2m AM as the photo shows. 

I still have the Fredbox, but sadly there is little AM still on 2m. 

In its day, AM was an effective mode on 2m. These days there is far less chatting. Apart from organised nets on FM and contests there is, sadly, less activity. Many now prefer the "rubber stamp" exchanges with FT8.

Sunspots - Thursday April 8th 2021

Solar flux is 76 and the SSN 0. A=17 and K=1.

7 Apr 2021

Tree stump - NOT amateur radio

On our walk at Dalham near Newmarket a few days ago we saw this felled tree. 

I am not sure if it was diseased or was felled for safety reasons. 

There is a long avenue of trees from the village to the church - a long walk uphill for the villagers, whereas right next door for the lord of the manor!

Blog changes

On the side you will see a couple of changes. 

Firstly I have removed a link to a blog that no longer works and added a link to the excellent blog at EI7GL.

Secondly, I have given you the chance to buy me a virtual cup of coffee. This takes you to a page where you can donate a small amount to offset some of my project costs. 

This is entirely voluntary. There is absolutely no compulsion to give anything. The fact that you enjoy the blog is great.

2m UKAC last evening

Last evening I went on the 2m activity contest organised by the RSGB. I used the IC-705 for the first time with the big wheel omni antenna. 7 QSOs were made in an hour with 10W then I stopped. Furthermost was G4CLA (105km).

Quite a different technique being able to see the whole SSB band slot at one time.

Our windmill - NOT amateur radio

 This is a photo of our windmill next door.

Kingfisher - NOT amateur radio

It's some time since I last saw a kingfisher. My son saw one a few weeks ago. 

The photo shows the one seen by an ex work colleague (Richard) early this morning whilst walking his dog.