8 Apr 2021
St Helena 2m beacon
In PW today (May 2021) is report on the new St Helena 2m beacon ZD7GWM/B being copied in South Africa and Namibia. This is a sea path over water that is mostly warm, so some tropo ducts can be expected at times. It will be interesting to see if this is copied in South America or the Carribean.
Grandson at Dalham - NOT amateur radio
7 Apr 2021
Tree stump - NOT amateur radio
Blog changes
On the side you will see a couple of changes.
Firstly I have removed a link to a blog that no longer works and added a link to the excellent blog at EI7GL.
Secondly, I have given you the chance to buy me a virtual cup of coffee. This takes you to a page where you can donate a small amount to offset some of my project costs.This is entirely voluntary. There is absolutely no compulsion to give anything. The fact that you enjoy the blog is great.
2m UKAC last evening
Quite a different technique being able to see the whole SSB band slot at one time.
Kingfisher - NOT amateur radio
The photo shows the one seen by an ex work colleague (Richard) early this morning whilst walking his dog.