16 Mar 2021

RSGB videos on YouTube

 The RSGB has a number of useful videos on YouTube.

See https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRSGB

Mother's Day in the UK - NOT amateur radio

Last Sunday was Mother's Day in the UK. Dates may vary across the world. 

My wife got some nice gifts from our sons as the photo shows.

2021 Friedrichshafen in June ON but Dayton cancelled, UK Hamfest - maybe

Southgate News reports that plans for an in-person Friedrichshafen in June are still going ahead. I do hope so. I think there is an online event too. This is one of the biggest amateur radio gatherings in the world.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/march/friedrichshafen-june-25-27.htm#.YFDDJiuTLrc

On a sadder note, the ARRL reports that the Dayton Hamvention is being cancelled for the second year. In the USA there is a great danger of a new spike in Covid-19 infections, so this is probably sensible.

See http://www.arrl.org/news/dayton-hamvention-cancels-2021-show#:~:text=Dayton%20Hamvention%Ca 2%AE%20will%20not,the%2t0Hamvention%20Executive%20Committee%20said.

The UK organisers of the National Hamfest is making a final decision in June.

Simple, low cost, digital mode transceivers

Thanks to Ron, who made a comment on a post yesterday, it appears there are kits for HF bands (including 10m) FT8. 

These are SSB rigs sold by Midnight Design Solutions. I had not seen these before, nor the QST review. They sell for $55 which is pretty reasonable. My design would have been considerably simpler, but was DSB.

This is designed by Dave Benson K1SWL, so should be good. As an SSB phased design this is more sophisticated. Dave's design also allows you to choose an alternative frequency and offers more power. They should sell many when their supplier problems end.

See https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/phaser/

UPDATE 1420z:  Just ordered a 10m kit. Due May. I see the SMA parts are pre-fitted.

UPDATE 1620z: Someone asked me if I had given up on my ultra-simple DSB project. No, definitely going ahead still!

Shadows - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, the shadows cast by the windmill next door were spectacular as shown in the photo.  We get good views from the kitchen and lounge.

The windmill and sails are due for a repaint soon. Normally the 200 year old, fully restored, mill is open for visitors April-October.

15m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

It is now 1125z. I have been on 15m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the indoor loop for about 30 minutes. So far, nobody has spotted me and I have spotted just 5 stations so far today.

UPDATE 1420z: Best station spotted on RX today is VP8NO (12722km) in the Falklands. Still no spots of my QRP on TX.

UPDATE 1656z: 10 stations only spotted today on 15m FT8 RX and nobody has spotted my QRP on TX.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 16th 2021

 Solar flux is 75 and the SSN 24. A=7 and K=2.

15 Mar 2021

Kingfisher - NOT amateur radio

Late this morning one of our sons rang up to say he had just seen a kingfisher. Not only that, but he also saw it on the side of the river on a branch. Photos rarely do them justice. Normally they are just flashes of amazing colour just above the water.

These are iridescent coloured birds, rarely seen these days. They are quite something. It must be many years since I last saw one. 

First cut - NOT amateur radio

For the first time this year, I have cut the grass at the front of the house as shown in the photo. 

The first cut is always with the blades set high. 

I shall probably do the back garden tomorrow if the weather is OK.

10m FT8 transceiver

Regular blog readers may recall I want to design and make a very simple transceiver for 10m FT8, as 10m should soon be much better and less than 1W should enable DX QSOs with very simple antennas. 

The photo shows the 10m WISPY TX beacon.

Steve G1KQH told me of a good, low cost, source of the crystal needed. This is in the USA, so I ordered some and these have now left Heathrow, London, so they must have been in stock and sent by air. I have no idea if I will have to pay VAT or duty. I hope not.

As my fine motor skills are poorer since my 2013 stroke, I want to build this in parts, probably starting with the RX. Assuming this is OK I shall have a go at the TX, then combine as a transceiver. Being largely based on the 10m WSPR WISPY it should work.

UPDATE 1220z: Crystals have arrived from the USA in the post just now. No duty or VAT to pay. Just need to build now! Excellent.