5 Feb 2021

New radios

Some people just have to buy the latest radios. Some of us buy new radios infrequently. At the moment there seem fewer radios on the market at a price I can justify.

If I was buying a radio for the future I would probably consider the IC-705 from ICOM or the more expensive FTDX10 by Yaesu.  These are sold by the major dealers.

Neither are what I really want either as a result of price or bands. I am a dedicated QRPer and 10W would be fine.  As I said earlier in the week, the FTDX10 does cover 4m, but does not cover 2m and 70cm. The FTDX10 does have an internal auto-ATU, whereas the IC-705 does not. The IC-705 does have a few things not on the FTDX10 such as Bluetooth and GPS.

I guess one question is how often would these features be used? 

My ideal radio? IC-705 with 4m and an internal auto-ATU at a lower price.

No meat lunch - NOT amateur radio

Probably I would be described as a flexitarian. I like meat, but could live without it, but thought I would try a no-meat lunch partly as one granddaughter has decided to go vegan. I cooked a pasta dish which I found great. 

2m FT8 overnight

Usually, I turn off my 2m FT8 gear overnight. Last night I forgot! 

Although 6 stations were spotted here, no-one spotted me. From this I assume most who monitor did as I should have done and went QRT overnight! Really, being on overnight is a waste.

10m FT8

In a few moments I hope to turn on my 10m FT8 QRP gear using 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop. It is now 0950z.

UPDATE 1600z: Just a single spot on RX of an Italian and nobody has yet spotted me on TX.  In summary - poor! One PA was spotted, but not uploaded to PSKreporter for some reason.

Oscar 100 activity

Every few weeks I give an update on activity through the geosynchronous satellite Oscar 100. I take a peek at the narrowband transponder by looking at the Goonhilly based web SDR. Today I looked at 0930z on a Friday morning. As there are fewer Europeans, there is probably less activity than at a weekend. Activity levels were quite low, but greater than I was expecting. There is still plenty room.

Southgate News reports on the first activity from Indonesia via the satellite.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2021/january/first-qo-100-satellite-contact-from-indonesia.htm#.YB0S0vGTLrc

Hare Park - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows some of the masses of snowdrops at Hare Park yesterday. At a guess I'd say there are over 1 million there. It is the best array of snowdrops  have ever seen.

Grand start - NOT amateur radio

Pretty sure this photo has been on before but I get amused telling my friends that I was born in a stately home! At the time this was a nursing home and we lived in a council house. 

Sunspots - Friday February 5th 2021

 Solar flux is 74 and the SSN 0. A=7 and K=2.

4 Feb 2021

2m FT8 QRP (Thursday)

 As 10m FT8 have been abysmal here today, I shall be QSYing to 2m FT8 shortly using 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 2046z:  So far this evening I have been spotted on 2 FT8 QRP TX by 18 stations in 4 countries. Furthermost is EI2FG (565km). It seems every evening my 2m FT8 QRP TX reaches EI and GI. 5 stations spotted on RX and no QSOs.  ON6LEO (392km) has called me a few times, but we did not complete the QSO.

Kingsbridge - NOT amateur radio

Kingsbridge, Devon is where I lived in my teenage years. 

Kingsbridge is at the top of the estuary and Salcombe at the other end.