9 Dec 2020

Time - NOT amateur radio

Most of us think of time as going forward from the past to the future. We have memories of our lifetimes and ways, with book, internet and objects, to look back at things way before we were born. We take it for  granted that these memories have been forming since the day we were born.

However, this assumption could be wrong. Each day we could have new memories which we feel we have always had. Just like quantum mechanics turns our thinking on its head, so in 100 years from now we may find that time is just a man-made illusion.

4m in Iceland

Southgate News reports that Iceland has 2 years access to parts of the 4m band until December 2022. Iceland is definitely an Es hop from the UK. On 10m I have heard Icelandic stations at incredible strength indicating that the would have been workable with milliwatts.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/december/iceland-authorization-for-70=mhz-allocation-renewed.htm#.X9DoG2iTLrc

Fog - NOT amateur radio

Until yesterday, we have had mist and fog most days this week. Yesterday it cleared and we had glorious sunshine. It was cold and crisp, but at least it was sunny. For once this winter, our windmill next door looked splendid.

4m website

It is many years since I was on 4m.  More and more countries have access to the band, which is a far cry from how it was in the 1960s. Several commercial rigs now include 4m as standard making the band more accessible for "appliance operators". Some may argue this is a negative step!

Many of these countries are within Es range, meaning they can be worked with low power and simple antennas.

One of the best resources is https://70mhz.org/

17m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)

Since about 0830z I have been on 17m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the tiny indoor loop on the shack windowsill.  It is now 0842z.  So far today, according to PSKreporter, I have spotted 8 stations and nobody has yet spotted my QRP.

UPDATE 1226z:  76 stations spotted so far, but nobody has spotted me yet today on TX. 

UPDATE 1505z:  So far today 155 stations spotted on 17m FT8 RX, But just 1 spot of me by CU2GI (2575km) on QRP TX in the Azores.

Sunspots - Wednesday December 9th 2020

 Solar flux is 82 and the SSN 11. A=4 and K=3.

8 Dec 2020

2m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

Although I have been on 2m FT8 (2.5W and the big-wheel) for about an hour, no stations have been spotted, but I have been spotted by 4 stations with the furthermost being EI2FG (565km).

UPDATE 2143z: QRT.

70cm activity contest (UKAC)

Every month I take part briefly in the low power section of this activity contest organised by the RSGB. This evening activity levels seemed very low and I only stopped on for 35 minutes. I have since QSYed to 2m FT8. As I have no suitable antennas I again used my 144MHz big-wheel omni antenna. After just 3 contacts I gave up. The map shows the few contacts made.

Havanna Syndrome - NOT amateur radio

Some people in countries that are maybe considered "hostile" have come down with a mysterious illness. Southgate News relays some research on this. It could be directed microwaves.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/december/havanna-syndrome-could-be-directed-microwave-energy.htm#.X8_Q6GiTLrc

17m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

Since about 1100z I have been on 17m FT8 with the tiny indoor loop antenna and 2.5W. Already spotted by 4 stations at 1125z

UPDATE 1343z: 17 stations have spotted my QRP and 171 stations in 5 continents have been spotted here today on 17m FT8 RX with the tiny loop. The furthermost spotted here is VK2QV (1698km).

UPDATE 1922z: 18 stations have spotted me today on QRP TX and 237 stations spotted on RX today (see map).  QRT soon.