25 Nov 2020

Laugh? - NOT amateur radio

This came from a friend earlier. It made me laugh! We certainly are living in odd times. 

Big sunspot maximum?

People have remarked that the upward slope from sunspot minimum looks faster than we were expecting. It is still far too early to tell, but this is a promising. Many thought this would be a slow climb. It will be interesting to see new forecasts for the next maximum.

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, we have 2 of these plants in flower. The more correct name is hippeastrum, but as I have always called them amaryliss I am unlikely to change now! 

Transnistria - NOT amateur radio

Transnistria is a breakaway state between Moldova and Ukraine. Until today, I had never heard of it!

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transnistria_(region) 

10m FT8 QRP

At 1115z I QSYed to 10m FT8. So far, (at 1148z) no spots. With the high solar flux, I am hopeful of some 10m FT8 activity.

UPDATE 1523z: Still no 10m spots.

UPDATE 1650z:  3 spots all day: 2 Gs plus IS0DDL (1427km) on 10m FT8 RX. Nobody spotted me.

15m FT8 QRP (Wednesday)

At 0910z, I turned on my 15m FT8 QRP gear with 2.5W to the indoor loop on the shack windowsill. It is now 1006z.  So far today, 25 stations spotted on RX with the best being PU2KRL (9578km) . 

Sunspots - Wednesday November 25th 2020

Solar flux is 100 and the SSN 37. A=4 and K=3.

24 Nov 2020

QSY to 2m FT8 QRP (Tuesday)

As 15m was quiet, I have QSYed to 2m FT8 QRP (2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna) for the evening. That was at 1738z. It is now 1820z. So far, 7 stations in 3 countries have spotted me already and I have spotted 3 countries on RX. No QSOs.

UPDATE 2220z: 33 stations in 6 countries spotted and on TX 18 stations in 3 countries. Now QRT. The map shows the stations spotting my 2.5W FT8 on 2m this evening. To say  FT8 has totally transformed 2m for me is an understatement!  Every day I get spotted in Eire or N.Ireland with my FT817ND and the big-wheel omni antenna. Quite mind blowing. These ranges are staggering. If I worked these with this power on SSB I would be amazed.

2m FT8

The drawback of FT8 is the very "rubber stamp" nature of the QSOs, with just the bare essentials exchanged. As specialist software is needed (free), newcomers cannot just chance upon it. 

The advantages are it only takes 50Hz of bandwidth and is far more sensitive than SSB or CW. A second advantage is most activity is concentrated in a few kHz, making DX easier to spot. In my case, not having to use my poor voice is another benefit. 

Even with 2.5W and an omni antenna, I get reports from over 500km away every day. I suspect this is some sort of scatter. 2m FT8 has been transformative, although I can see why some do not like it.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/vuhf/2m-ft8

Bluetit on fatballs - NOT amateur radio


It was very hard to take a good photo of this bird as it kept moving! It is a bluetit eating our fatballs. Often jackdaws try to eat them too - they are as big as the feeder!

There were lots of long tail tits flitting about too. These were too fast for me.