20 Nov 2020

Sunspots - Friday November 20th 2020

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 11. A=3 and K=3.

19 Nov 2020

Early daffodils - NOT amateur radio

As mentioned in an earlier post, we went for a walk at Anglesey Abbey. 

On the winter walk is a small clump of daffodils. A few years ago these were in flower by late November. 

Judging by the photo these should be in flower soon. I quite expect these to be out this month.  

Most daffodils are not out here until late January. January is the month of snowdrops.

10m Simple Sideband

In the next 12 months, 10m is returning as a great DX band. At any part of the solar cycle it can be good for Es contacts in April- August in the northern hemisphere. There is a smaller Es peak in the depths of winter.

When I was fitter, I had the outlines of a simple single band QRP rig for 10m. My idea was DSB based as this was simpler. This was to be paired with a direct conversion RX.

Then my 2013 stroke happened and all development work stopped. 7 years later there may be better options. My hope is that someone else will take this on and try to create a simple, single board, single band transceiver.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10msimple_sb

Dual band FM VHF/UHF rig

According to Southgate News, Moonraker is selling a dual band amateur rig aimed at foundation licencees. It retails for £89.99 and comes preprogrammed with amateur frequencies like repeaters and simplex channels and set to 10W by default, although it can do 25W.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/november/new-dual-band-fm-mobile-radio.htm#.X7aFraiTLrc

See also https://www.moonraker.eu/amateur-radio/transceivers/anytone-at-779uv-dual-band-mini-mobile-radio

Anglesey Abbey in dull November - NOT amateur radio

We went for a walk this morning around the nearby National Trust place at Anglesey Abbey. 

At this time of year it looks quite drab. In the summer the herbaceous flowers and dahlias look good and in the winter there are masses of snowdrops and daffodils.

Yes, there are a few autumnal colours to enjoy, but......

Boeing 737 Max: what utter rubbish!! - NOT amateur radio

18 months after it was removed from service following 2 fatal crashes, the Boeing 737 max has been declared airworthy again. My simple question is why has it taken so long? My brother-in-law was on one. Little did I know at the time that his life was in danger.

This whole affair is utterly disgraceful.  I hope Boeing, and whoever deemed it safe to fly originally, reflect on this.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/extra/jDOe2y9Tbo/boeing-737-max 

2m FT8 QRP - Thursday

In a few minutes I shall go on 2m FT8 QRP with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna.

UPDATE 0953z:   2 stations spotted on RX and I have been spotted by 6 stations already.

UPDATE 1210z:  So far today I have spotted 11 stations in 4 countries and I have been spotted by 9 stations in 3 countries on 2m FT8.

UPDATE 1537z: At about 1220z I had a QSO and have been RX only since then until a few moments ago. So far today, 34 stations in 7 countries have been spotted here on 2m FT8 RX and I have been spotted by 12 stations in 4 countries with 1 QSO.

UPDATE 1832z:  So far today I have been spotted by 19 stations in 6 countries (see map).

Sunspots - Thursday November 19th 2020

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 11. A=4 and K=0.

18 Nov 2020

OFCOM spectrum auction

OFCOM has announced details of the next auction of spectrum at 700MHz and 3.6GHz  See their website for details.

Somehow I suspect £100 won't win, so I think I won't bother .😆

Last ones? - NOT amateur radio

Most blackberries have now shrivelled up. The photo shows one today seen on our walk earlier. 

The one I had was bitter.