12 Nov 2020

Sunspots - Thursday November 12th 2020

 Solar flux is 85 and the SSN 25.  A=4 and K=1.

11 Nov 2020

2m FT8 QRP

At 1935z I QSYed to 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. Already 3 stations have spotted me with the furthermost being G8TIC (170km). No stations yet spotted on RX.

UPDATE 1905z:  6 stations have spotted me so far today on 2m FT8.  GI6ATZ (479km) is the furthermost station spotting my QRP on 2m FT8 TX. 3 stations spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 2250z:  QRT. Several German stations spotted on RX.

Political correctness? - NOT amateur radio

Now, let me start by saying all people of whatever colour or religion have equal worth in my book.  I have many friends of all colours and religions.

However, I was appalled that the head of the FA, Greg Clarke, felt compelled to resign when he referred to "people of colour" as "coloured" if I recall correctly. 

This reminds me of the BBC sacking Carol Thatcher some years ago because she said someone looked like a gollywog. Years ago we innocently collected gollies on jam jars and really looked forward to the golly badge.

Personally I think we have all gone PC mad!!  Soon we will be afraid to say anything in case we offend someone or get sacked.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-54888197


This still attracts me, although the price is too high. Now, if they were to throw in the 5 year warranty for "free", I might be more tempted. 

As I have said before, you can buy it in France with VAT with a 3 year warranty for less than you pay in the UK. One thing is certain: were I to buy one in the UK the 5 year warranty would be free the month after! So far, Yaesu is still playing catch-up and we seem some time from a Yaesu equivalent. It seems ICOM has this market for themselves.

Every review I have seen for the IC-705 has been positive, although some think the lack of a stand or  support is an omission. Will 4m TX coverage come with a firmware upgrade?

At one point my website tried to give the latest news, but YouTube has new videos every few days.

This month, even PW has a review. of sorts. I expect a detailed review in RadCom will be soon.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/ic705

Exchange rate against the euro - NOT amateur radio

At the moment, the pound is appreciating in value against the euro. This may be just a blip or it may be sustained. 

The big unanswered question is will there be a trade deal. I hope so, as this is in the interests of the UK and EU. Expect some brinkmanship in the next few weeks! If the UK leaves without a deal I think this would be the height of stupidity. Having said that, nothing would surprise me with Boris, the UK Prime Minister. He has some very similar traits to Donald Trump.

6m FT8

At about 1025z, I turned on my 2.5W 6m FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni antenna again. No spots yet. Yesterday, I was only spotted by a couple of Gs on 6m FT8.

UPDATE 1223z:  No spots. At the moment, today is even worse than yesterday on 6m FT8! I shall stick with it for now. The problems are poorer conditions and fewer stations. I am quite surprised not to have been spotted by some Gs.

UPDATE 1430z: 2 stations spotted on RX with G4FKA (207km) the furthermost. Nobody has spotted me.

UPDATE 1620z: 2 Gs have spotted me today on 6m FT8.

Oscar 100 satellite - activity still low

Every few weeks I give an update on narrow-band activity through this geosynchronous satellite. I listened last night and this morning. 

When I listened there were between 5 and 7 QSOs only on SSB, so plenty of room. I am sure the lack of easy commercial gear is stopping more people getting on. I guess compared with an SDR HF rig, the quantities are just not there. Also, there is the risk: if a part fails and the satellite just stops working the whole market just goes.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Last night's 70cm activity contest

Last night I was on 70cm in the activity contest organised by the RSGB. Because of my poor voice I was on for about 45 minutes only. 

In all, 6 stations were worked with 10W and the 2m (not 70cm!) big-wheel omni antenna. The contacts are shown on the map. This is a friendly contest. 

Sunspots - Wednesday November 11th 2020

 Solar flux is 87 and the SSN 27.  A=2 and K=0.

10 Nov 2020

Practical Wireless QRP Contest

In this contest I worked just 3 locals when active. I was quite close to the bottom in the results. 

The last time I seriously entered this contest (30-40 years ago?) I was using 1W AM and ran a large parabeam antenna /P from a good QTH.  

This time we could not operate /P and only from home. My antenna is just the big-wheel omni antenna.