2 Nov 2020

10m FT8

It is now 1310z. For the last 30 minutes are so, I have been on 10m FT8 with the poorer indoor loop and 2.5W from the FT817ND.  As yet, no spots given or received today.

UPDATE 1526z:  Just 1 station in Norway spotted on 10m FT8 RX. No QSOs and nobody has spotted me yet today. In summary so far today? - useless!! At least the rain has stopped and the sun is shining .  😀 Today has been the worst 10m day for me this autumn.

UPDATE 1607z:  Probably QRT on 10m FT8 shortly and QSY to 2m FT8. I see some South Americans were being worked from Norway today. I guess this is where high power and big beams high up might count!

Sunspots,solar storms, auroras and cycle 25

Like many amateurs, I am keen to know what is coming. On the Southgate News pages are links to the spaceweather forecasts by Dr Tamatha Skov WX6SWW. For more information look at www.spaceweather.com  .

Wet windmill - NOT amateur radio

This last weekend was mild, wet and windy. The photo shows the windmill next door with threatening clouds behind and rain on the black sides. 

Figs - NOT amateur radio

At breakfast most mornings we include a bowl of fruit. As we were getting low, we had some of these figs that had fallen on the ground. Nice change. 

Sunspots - Monday November 2nd 2020

Solar flux is 77 and the SSN 12.  A=10 and K=0. 

1 Nov 2020

2m FT8

At 1933z I QSYed to 2m FT8. So far tonight 9 stations have spotted my 2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna with the furthermost being a spot by ON6LEO (392km). On 2m FT8 RX just 2 stations spotted this evening.

UPDATE 2017z: Now RX only. 3 stations in 3 countries spotted.

Rowan trees - NOT amateur radio

We have several of these in our garden. The one in the back garden was stripped of berries by the birds weeks ago, whereas the ones in the front garden have hardly been touched. I guess these must be a different variety that is not attractive to the birds.

Autumn - NOT amateur radio

The garden is suddenly looking very autumnal with trees losing leaves or leaves changing colour. Another few weeks and most deciduous trees will be leafless until next spring. It is odd, but in the colder months we have little wish to be in the garden. 

Today is exceptionally mild for early November. We even have sparrows nest building in the loft above our bed! They are in for a nasty shock when the first frosts come.

Covid-19 English month lockdown - NOT amateur radio

Strangely, I feel slightly safer this morning. 

The UK Prime Minister has, reluctantly, agreed to a month long lockdown in England to try to bring the virus under control again. Although damaging to the economy, he probably had no choice. His scientific advisors that he claims to follow had been advising this for weeks!

Let us hope this helps. Our "track and trace" system is not coping, we urgently need a testing system that can give results fast (maybe the saliva test?) and we will be closer to better treatments and a vaccine.

This next month has to be used wisely. Sadly, the track record of the UK government is not good. I appreciate they have a very hard balancing act to perform, but at least "follow the science" and do not ignore timely advice.

10m FT8 QRP

 At 0930z, I turned on 10m FT8 with 2.5W and the indoor (poorer) loop. After 5 minutes, no spots.

UPDATE 1210z:  No spots of me so far, but 20 stations spotted, mostly in eastern and northern Europe.

UPDATE 1447z:  13 spots (all Europeans) of my 2.5W 10m FT8 so far and 30 stations spotted on RX. There has never been a day recently when I have not spotted plenty on 10m FT8 RX even on just the indoor loop. In a year from now it should be even better. 

UPDATE 1920z:
80 stations spotted on RX and 23 stations spotted me today (see photo) on TX.  And this is on the poorer loop!