17 Oct 2020
Last of the dahlias? - NOT amateur radio
Tenner 10m QRP Transceiver
New Zealand elections - NOT amateur radio
New Zealand has led the way in fighting Covid-19. Essentially it has been largely free of the pandemic that has crippled much if the world.
They have just had a general election and Jacinda Ardern's (the NZ PM) Labour Party is in line for a massive majority. We may differ over political policies, but we have to agree she did a good job in the fight against Covid-19.
20m FT8 (2.5W and the indoor loop)
A few moments ago I turned on 20m FT8 QRP using 2.5W to the tiny indoor loop. It is 0840z.
Yet again, I had a problem with decoding signals and the waterfall being smeary. After turning WSJT-X and the SignaLink interface off and on, it is now decoding. I am running Windows 10.
No spots of me yet and 4 stations spotted so far today.
UPDATE 1258z: So far today, 3 stations have spotted my QRP 20m FT8 signal. On RX 84 stations have been spotted in 3 continents.
UPDATE 1412z: 5 stations have spotted me so far and I have spotted 108 stations in 4 continents.
UPDATE 1710z: 5 stations have spotted me today on 20m FT8 QRP and I have spotted 157.
RSGB Convention online
Southgate News reports that the RSGB Convention talks are available online.
See http://southgatearc.org/news/2020/october/rsgb-convention-videos-on-youtube.htm#.X4qS7LfTVkw
Fungi - NOT amateur radio
It must be all the rain we have had, but we saw several patches of fungi on our walk yesterday at Anglesey Abbey.
OFCOM and spectrum trading
OFCOM is talking about spectrum trading at 2.6GHz. See the OFCOM website for more information.