5 Oct 2020

Chinese transceivers

Steve G1KQH has reminded me about a new Chinese amateur radio HF transceiver. 

Many of the things we buy are made in China. It is now hard to find things not made in China. All this is because we demand lower and lower prices. We exported our UK manufacturing base to China. When China gets too expensive, we will look elsewhere. Like King Canute, we cannot stop the tides, but in the end we have to question this on many levels: we are exporting our pollution for example.

Sadly, we live in a consumer driven economy that cannot last for ever. Things are designed not to last too long so we are encouraged to replace items and so fuel our "throw away" mentality. We are all guilty.

Not sure why, but I still have issues with Chinese quality control. In the end the Chinese will get better and their quality control will be as good as the Japanese. The real question is will the Chinese be attracted by the (relatively small) amateur radio market? There are a few players, but no-one has seriously taken on the Kenwoods, Yaesus and ICOMs of this world yet. If they do, I could see some leaving the amateur radio market.

Family collage - NOT amateur radio

This collage of members of our family summarises last week. Some photos have been on before but together they show our week. 

Sunspots - Monday October 5th 2020

 Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=0.

4 Oct 2020

6m FT8

At about 1042z I decided to try 6m FT8 with the FT817ND (2.5W) and the V2000 vertical. It is now 1054z and no spots given or received yet.

There was TEP on 6m yesterday in the Americas, although I think we are too far north.

UPDATE 1443z: 1 spot of me 2 hours ago by a Spanish station EA5ISZ (1573km) who was worked too and 5 stations spotted on RX including 1 in central France.  Even well outside the Es season DX to be worked on 6m with QRP and a simple antenna.

UPDATE 1950z: QRT. 

Noise issues

At the moment I am fortunate in that I am not plagued by too much HF noise. It is high on 160m, 80m, 60m, 40m and 30m, but I have not had problems with FT8. Others have been less fortunate with a worsening HF, and sometimes VHF, noise floor. As time goes by, this could get worse.  In the end, the only noise-free bands may be 70cm and higher.

One person who cured his problem is G4SWX, who had problems from the neighbour's LEDs on his patio. Many problems are due to substandard parts that don't meet EU regulations. Companies cut corners to save a few pence and get away with it as there seems little OFCOM enforcement. If I am wrong, please accept my apologies.

See https://groups.io/g/RSGB-Workshop/message/4797

BREXIT - NOT amateur radio

With Covid-19, people have rather lost track of the trade deal negotiations between the EU and UK. Any trade deal has to be agreed before the year end. At the moment we seem some way from agreement with both sides hanging out for the best deal for them.

In the end, I am sure both sides want a trade deal. It is a case of who blinks first! 

I hope in the end both sides accept compromise and both are able to feel it is fair. The EU does a lot of trade with the UK and vice versa.

2m FT8 - 2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna

Since 0830z I have been on 2m FT8 again.  7 Gs have spotted me so far and I have spotted just one station F4EMG (193km) in northern France. 

UPDATE 1040z:  11 stations, all G apart from EI2FG (565km), have spotted me so far and 4 stations spotted on RX with best DX F0EYI (465km) in Brittany.

Duet - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of our grandchildren singing a duet with her dad yesterday at our home. He is a professional jazz pianist, facing hard times.

Sunspots - Sunday October 4th 2020

 Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 0, A=6 and K=2.

3 Oct 2020

Skateboarding - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows one of our grandchildren enjoying his skateboard outside our house this afternoon.