14 Aug 2020

6m FT8

Just after 0900z I QSYed to 6m FT8 with 10W and the V2000 vertical omni. It is now 0905z. No spot given or received yet.

UPDATE 0957z:  Just 1 G spot of me by G3NSM (123km). I have moved the audio LF a bit and checked the SWR in case something was amiss. The SWR looked normal. Basically, as exciting as watching paint dry!

UPDATE 1020z:  Just Jim G3YLA (64km) spotted on 6m FT8 RX and no further spots on TX.


Some, not all, of my early logbooks are available as PDF files online. Most of these PDF files were created when I was still at work, which is over 12 years ago!

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/logs

Alstromerias - NOT amateur radio

One of the plants in our rear garden is called an alstromeria. We have several in pots. They seem to do well.

See https://www.rhs.org.uk/plants/popular/alstroemeria/growing-guide

2m FT8

Using my 10W to the big-wheel, I have been on 2m FT8 since breakfast. I have already been spotted in Cornwall and Germany.  On 2m FT8 RX, 14 stations in 4 countries spotted so far. No QSOs yet.

2m MSK144 RX (MS Perseids)

Overnight, I tried watching 144.360MHz MSK144, in the hope of catching some MS activity on 2m. In the end just 1 G copied calling a UR4.

As usual, the antenna was the big-wheel omni. Either I was too late, few were on 144.360MHz MSK144, or my system was not up to it. I doubt the latter as I have copied MS signals before with this antenna. Also, in MS showers signals are usually strong, but short-lived.

Maybe, it would have been better a day sooner?

Sunspots - Friday August 14th 2020

Solar flux is 72 and the SSN 11. A=4 and K=1.

2009 shack

The photo shows the shack in 2009. Things (including the QTH) have changed quite a bit.

13 Aug 2020

Network radios and Oscar 100

I suspect many who get network radios or use Oscar 100 are/were concerned about poor conditions and are/were looking for a reliable means of chatting with people a long way away.

Certainly my own network radio has hardly been used. I bought it 2 years ago when we were on the way towards sunspot minimum. At least with Echolink I could access repeaters on the other side of the planet. Likewise Oscar 100 should open up DX to a good proportion of the planet at any time without fading. In many ways you might consider Oscar 100 perfect. Once the gear is set up and the dish(es) aligned there is nothing else to do. No neighbours to annoy, no big towers or beams to worry about....and yet.

Yet, for me at least, neither satisfies. I prefer "real" radio where every contact is a challenge. After about 60 years in the hobby I have found that the changing nature of propagation is what gives me a buzz.

Different people enjoy our hobby in different ways and the world would be a sad place if we were all the same.

Maybe my network radio will get used.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/network

IC-705 video from Lamco

It would appear most UK dealers are getting their hands on samples of the ICOM IC-705 and are busy making videos. The latest I have seen is by Lamco.

Walk before the rain - NOT amateur radio

We went for a walk around the village earlier before the rain. When we went it was warm and dry.  Since getting back, it has been raining. This was our 70th "lockdown" walk. We have noticed the seasons more this year than for a long time.