6 Apr 2020

Boris Johnson in intensive care - NOT amateur radio

The news tonight was that the UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has gone into intensive care in hospital suffering with Coronavirus.

Whatever our political persuasion, we all wish him well and hope he gets better.

This is a worrying time for his family and all in the UK government. He was spearheading the UK's battle with Coronavirus. This is a most difficult job.

DX most wanted

As many know, I am not an active DX chaser. If I work any real DX it would be by chance! I see Southgate News has a piece on which DX entities are most wanted. Way back in the 1960s, I copied ZL9 on AM. I had no idea it was so rare!

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/april/dxcc-most-wanted.htm#.XosEjhnYq00

Stroke update - NOT amateur radio

Most can probably ignore this post. For those interested, read on.

In the last year, nothing has really changed regarding my stroke. In all ways, I think things are broadly as they were last April. My voice remains poor.  It's a darn shame, but life goes on and we have to make the best of things.

Amaryllis - NOT amateur radio

We thought the second bud on this was a dud. For several weeks it did nothing then this! Never give up!

10m FT8

Unfortunately, I have no stand-alone 10m FT8 beacon. Instead, I am on 10m FT8 using 2.5W from the FT817ND with the tiny indoor loop antenna. It is now 0811z and I have been on for about an hour. No spots given or received yet today.

UPDATE 1125z: No spots and no QSOs today on 10m FT8 so far.

UPDATE 1247z: Just a single spot of my 2.5W transmit from DJ3AK (693km) so far today.

UPDATE 1837z:  Now QRT. In the end just a single spot on TX and RX all day.

Cowslips - NOT amateur radio

On our walk yesterday we saw these cowslips. We saw very few people.

481THz speech communications

Long before my 2013 stroke, one of my favourite things was optical communications.

Although my keenest interest was weak signal "over the horizon" signals, so called non line of sight (NLOS), I had one QSO with speech over a path of about 11km with G4HJW using the kit shown in the photo. Sadly my stroke put an end to my optical experiments.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/optical

Sunspots - Monday April 6th 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the SSN 0. A=5 and K=1.

5 Apr 2020

New chicks - NOT amateur radio

Apparently our son and grandson have now got 4 freshly hatched chicks. They emerged from their eggs in the last few days with the last one hatching just a few moments ago. Life goes on.

Walk - NOT amateur radio

This morning we went for a walk on a very quiet country lane. Very few people were seen. The countryside is coming alive again after what has seemed a long winter.