22 Mar 2020

2m FT8 (10W to the big-wheel omni)

Stations spotting my 10W FT8 TX to the 
big-wheel omni in the first few minutes
Although I have only been on 2m for about 5 minutes, I have been spotted by 20 stations in 4 countries already! Just like that! Amazing.

This is possible at any time it would appear. I am convinced this must be some sort of scatter, but not aircraft scatter.

UPDATE 2146z: Now 36 stations in 6 countries spotting my 10W with best DX being a spot by GI6ATZ (479km). This station seems to spot me every time! Only 5 stations spotted so far on 2m FT8 RX. I shall be active for a bit longer before going QRT.

UPDATE 2225z: Now spotted by 40 stations in 7 countries! QRT soon.

Stormy day - NOT amateur radio

The photo shows "our" windmill next door with a stormy sky. Thankfully, the last few days have been sunny. The marks at the bottom are filled cracks ahead of a repaint. The mill is 200 years old this year!

DXCC using FT8

DR4K was carrying out an experiment to see how long DXCC would take with modest power and a simple antenna using FT8. The answer is not long!

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2020/march/dxcc-experiment-completed.htm

CDARC (Cambridge Club) net on GB3PI - Friday 8pm

As CDARC cannot hold regular club nights at the moment, they are moving online. A net is being organised at 8pm Fridays on the repeater GB3PI. This is with the agreement of the Cambridgehire Repeater Group.

Sounds like a very good use of quiet repeaters.

Country walk - NOT amateur radio

Whilst we are still allowed, yesterday we did a nice walk seeing very few people. A tree had fallen partly obstructing the path. We had to go around it.

20m FT8 again

Once again I am on 20m FT8 using 10W to the 45cm diameter indoor loop. Already I have been spotted strongly in southern Italy and I have spotted 16 stations on 20m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1103z: So far today, my 10W has been spotted by 15 stations (1 QSO) and I have spotted 196 stations.

Spots of my 20m 10W 
FT8 TX to 1410z
UPDATE 1440z: 50 stations have spotted me today on 20m FT8 with the 10W FT8. On 20m FT8 RX 426 stations spotted so far today.

UPDATE 1618z: 54 stations have spotted me so far and 512 stations have been spotted here today so far on 20m FT8.

Sunspots - Sunday March 22nd 2020

Solar flux is 71 and the sunspot number still 0. A=8 and K=2.

21 Mar 2020

W&S open?

According to Southgate News W&S is still open for business and taking sensible precautions with a couple of staff working from home "in the cloud". 

I guess this policy (of keeping the shop open) could change if government policy changes.

See http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2020/march/w-s-open-and-serving-your-hobby.htm#.XnZ2Ld-TK00

2m FT8 this evening

Stations spotting my 2m FT8 to the big-wheel 
omni antenna in the first 40 minutes this evening
It never fails.

I have only had my 2m FT8 10W to the big-wheel on for about 60 minutes, but I have already had 27 spots in 5 countries.

This must be some sort of non-aircraft scatter. It has completely transformed 2m for me. Unimaginable DX is in range.

Walks nearby - NOT amateur radio

Whilst keeping a safe distance from others, we are enjoying outdoor walks.

Today we went to Dalham, near Newmarket. Trees are coming into leaf and nature carries on.

On a positive note, I expect this latest set of bans has had a good effect on the planet. In some ways we have been alerted by over-dependence on cheap labour on the other side of the globe for our supply chains.

We seem to be kinder to each other too.