1 Dec 2019

Cookies - NOT amateur radio

Certainly in the UK and possibly elsewhere, we now have to accept (or otherwise) cookies on websites. No doubt someone somewhere thought this was "a good idea".

In reality we get annoyed and click "accept" without bothering to read. So, the whole thing becomes pointless, even dangerous. We get cross.


This website often has some good reviews and much else as well. If you are looking to buy something, it is worth checking this site first. If people have a very bad experience they tend to say so, but many reviews are balanced and fair.

See https://www.eham.net/

DX on 10m FT8 RX

Shortly before breakfast I turned on 10m FT8 for the day. My early 2.5W CQ on FT8 was spotted by no-one, but it seems the band has suddenly burst into life with plenty of Europeans plus 3B8CW (9752km) on Mauritius in the southern Indian Ocean. It is only 0938z.

UPDATE 1440z: Now 291 stations spotted today on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1738z: 302 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX in the last day. I think that is it, although I shall leave the RX on for a bit longer. It is already dark here.

10m FT8 RX here today
UPDATE 1955z:  Well, that was not it! At 1808z LU5HA (11096km) was coming through. But not only that, PU2TWU and AK4QR also spotted but for some reason did not get uploaded to PSKreporter. Quite the best 10m FT8 day in some time.

Sunspots - Sunday December 1st 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A=4 and K=1.

30 Nov 2019

Sunshine - NOT amateur radio

As the sun was shining brightly we went for a walk at Anglesey Abbey. It was cold at 6 degrees C but we were surprised to see a choir singing. I have to admit, I thought this was a recording at first!

Architypal Cambridge - NOT amateur radio

This picture was taken in central Cambridge yesterday. The red phoneboxes are archetypal UK and the bikes archetypal Cambridge.

Falkland Is amateur bands

Some recent changes to the amateur frequencies in the Falkland Islands have been announced including 60m.

Also included is 4m. This may have been there before, although I was not aware. I guess VP8 to ZS might be possible but EU to the Falklands on 4m is very unlikely although just possible with TEP. Someone will give it a go. A 4m beacon in the Falklands beaming north would be interesting. I guess the path VP8 to EU on 4m might just be possible at times with a combination of TEP and Es.

See https://www.regulatorfi.org.fk/spectrum/amateur-radio/70-terms-and-conditions-amateur-radio-licence-v2-0-121119-pdf/file

JS8Call V2

Earlier, I was sent an email by G3WKW (an old work friend) about the latest version of JS8Call which supports faster speeds. JS8Call is like FT8, but allows free-form text, so allows chatting and is more like RTTY and PSK31. I have to confess that I have never tried this mode.

See http://files.js8call.com/latest.html

Better day on 10m FT8

Promising. Although no-one copied my 2.5W FT8 CQ earlier, 8 stations have already been copied already by 0930z on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1019z: Already 38 stations spotted this morning on 10m FT8 RX. All Europeans.

UPDATE 1056z: 87 Europeans spotted so far this morning on 10m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1504z: Now 262 stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX with best DX spotted being 4Z5AV (3633km).

UPDATE 1756z: 280 European stations spotted on 10m FT8 RX today. Nothing in the last hour, so soon be time to go QRT.

UPDATE 2246z: Now QRT.  287 different stations spotted in the last day on 10m FT8 RX. Not bad considering this is sunspot minimum and well outside the Es season.

Sunspots - Saturday November 30th 2019

Solar flux is 70 and the SSN 0. A =5 and K=1.