22 Jul 2019

French animal deaths - NOT amateur radio

It seems (according to the BBC) that animals in France are dying in numbers far higher than expected for unknown reasons. Some of these deaths are near wind farms and mobile phone masts. Research has so far been inconclusive. It is odd and unexplained.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/49045742/mystery-surrounds-animal-deaths-on-france-s-farms

The next US president? - NOT amateur radio

Here is a puzzle. Enough people in the USA loved President Trump to get him elected whereas almost everywhere outside the USA he is viewed as a fool and incompetent.

It is honestly true that I have interacted with not a single person outside the USA that has a good word for him. Truly. Perhaps his "make America great again" mantra finds favour in the USA. Perhaps he will even get a second term in office.

There seems a great lack of real leaders in the world currently. Most seem to seek power for their own good rather than because they seek a greater good and are great statesmen. Given time, I hope this will change.

We need leaders with vision to see beyond their own self interest to the greater good of their nations and the world.

Great Es on 6m

Currently I am on 6m FT8 RX and there is a great Es opening, if not the best this summer. Although it is only 0853z 113 stations from all over Europe already copied.

Sunspots - Monday July 22nd 2019

Solar flux remains stubbornly at 67 and the sunspot number still 0. A=8 and K=2.

This feels, very much like sunspot minimum. At least we can look forward to better times, if not the great times of 60-70 years ago.

21 Jul 2019

New friend? - NOT amateur radio

My daughter-in-law and 2 of our grandchildren are staying with friends in Suffolk.

Our granddaughter seems to have made a new friend that comes every time she calls it! Earlier in a video chat it sat on her shoulder then the phone!

Es' Hail satellite

As many will recall, I occasionally look at the activity on this geosynchronous satellite using the Goonhilly web SDR. As far as I can tell, activity levels are much the same as a few months ago. Some new people have come and some have gone. Most times there are around 6-8 active stations. At the moment I am not inclined to assemble gear for Oscar 100.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

Surprise visitor - NOT amateur radio

We had a surprise visitor on our washing line. It was a large dragonfly.

As soon as my wife went for the better camera it flew off!  😖

Another 50th wedding photo - NOT amateur radio

Yesterday, I mentioned that we had been to the 50th wedding anniversary celebrations of our delightful neighbours. Here is another photo.

Sunspots - Sunday July 21st 2019

Solar flux is still 67 and the SSN 0. A=3 and K=1.

6m FT8

Good Es this morning on 6m. My brief CQ was spotted by 16 stations (no QSOs) as far away as Sardinia. On 6m FT8 RX 19 stations from all over Europe copied so far in the last few minutes.

UPDATE 0848z: 36 stations so far spotted this morning on 6m FT8 RX. My theory about most Es openings late in the season being to northern Europe is being tested! 😕

UPDATE 1400z: Now 158 stations spotted today on 6m FT8 RX with best DX being N4BP (7118km) in Florida, USA. A good day on 6m.

UPDATE 1614z: Now 206 stations spotted today on 6m FT8 RX. Just recently, Israel spotted.

UPDATE 1802z: Now 280 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX today in 4 continents.