17 Jul 2019

YouTube puzzle

Today I had an email from someone who could not access a YouTube video of mine referenced in my recent RSGB RadCom article. When I first tried it said "video unavailable". I tried again typing the link in the article and all was fine. It said the video had had 240 views.

The person tried 3 times again without success. So I tried again, this time as my wife with her ID on her iPad, typing in the precise link in the RadCom article. No problems except it now said 2416 views!

So, I am totally baffled why the views seem to differ so much and why there should be access issues. By the way, I checked the video was definitely "public" and not "private" or "unlisted". All very odd.

2m FT8

About 25 minutes ago I switched from 6m FT8 to 2m FT8. My 2m FT8 CQ call was spotted by 12 stations in 4 countries with the best DX being a spot by GI6ATZ (479km) near Belfast. Antenna is still the big-wheel omni.

On RX 5 stations so far spotted with best DX being DO9JF (560km) in the Saar area of Germany.

2m FT8 RX in the last 
few hours to 1924z.
UPDATE 1924z: 48 stations in 6 countries spotted in the last 6 hours on 2m FT8 RX and 19 stations spotted my 2m FT8 TX CQ. 2 QSOs resulted. At the moment I am RX only.

UPDATE 2107z: Now 50 stations in 6 countries spotted on 2m FT8 RX today with best DX spotted DJ6AG (689km). Soon be time to go QRT and unplug things.

UPDATE 2120z: Now QRT.

Es to northern Europe

In an earlier post I mentioned that more northerly stations seemed to be more predominant later in the Es season. This is based on nothing scientific, but 6m FT8 RX results today are predominantly from northern Europe.

If this observation is true I have absolutely no idea why. Regarding E layer propagation, I am sure there is a lot still to learn, especially regarding "real DX", by which I mean really long distances outside Europe such as to Japan, the Caribbean or North America. 

In my view multi-hop Es does not fit these "real DX" cases. I may be wrong.

Moorhen - NOT amateur radio

We visit nearby Anglesey Abbey most months. This moorhen was on the mill leet.

New release of WSJT-X with FT4

According to Southgate News there is new release of this free software that includes FT4. I shall have to download it as I was waiting for the fully released version.

See http://southgatearc.org/news/2019/july/new-wsjt-x-with-ft4-released.htm

6m FT8

Although it is only 0850z, quite a bit of Es on 6m. As I suggested in an earlier post, more northerly stations seem more abundant.  Best DX on 6m FT8 RX is LA1PHA (1704km).

UPDATE 1215z: So far today 73 stations spotted on 6m FT8 RX.

Getting older - NOT amateur radio

In December I am 71 years old. In some ways the teenage, carefree, days feel like just yesterday, although they were a long time ago.

I am aware of my age and that I can no longer do some of the things I once could. They say, "live in the moment", but that is sometimes hard to do. On the whole, I have had a good life. Yes, like everyone, there have been good times and bad.

All I can advise is do what you can. Milk life like there is no tomorrow. Be kind to people and consider how they feel whether 8 or 80.

FT-991A web page

I have owned the FT-991A for a few weeks now, so have created a webpage. As time goes by, I hope to add more stuff.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/ft991a

Sunspots - Wednesday July 17th 2019

Solar flux is 67 and the sunspot number 0. A=7 and K=1.

16 Jul 2019

Hedge trimming time - NOT amateur radio

It is fair to say I am knackered! This year seemed far harder than last.

This morning, I trimmed the front laurel hedge, although I have still to do the far side and sweep up all the cuttings. Usually I do it once or twice a year. Although I have a cordless hedge-cutter, I find the mains powered one better for this job.