14 Feb 2019



Nantwich Civic Hall, Cheshire, CW5 5DG. The venue has free car parking and the doors open at 10:30am. There will be a Bring & Buy, as well as traders and RSGB book stall. A single raffle ticket is included with the entrance programme with additional tickets available. Catering is provided on site. Contact Stuart Jackson on 07880 732 534.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Sunspots - Thursday February 14th 2019

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number 0. A=13 and K=3.

13 Feb 2019

New post on earth-electrode antenna coming

Although I have some urgent family matters to attend to first, it is my intention to do a new post about my earth-electrode antenna system for LF/MF, which works well for me, but is dead simple. I'll probably do it at the weekend and add photos and diagrams to make things clearer.

70cm activity contest (UKAC)

This contest is held every month, although I resorted, as usual, to my 2m big-wheel omni last night as my antenna and I use 5W. In all, 4 stations worked with best DX G3MEH in IO91QS.Usually I work G4CLA (105km) , but my voice said, "go QRT".

Sunspots - Wednesday February 13th 2019

Solar flux is 69 and the SSN still zero. The active side of the sun is still pointing away from Earth I think. A=6 and K=2.

12 Feb 2019

Es'hail2 geosynchronous satellite operational

Ahead of the official opening users can now experimentally unload to this satellite and it is already busy! Most users I have heard are using 5-6W and getting solid access. So far, so good.

Not sure if it is just me, but everything goes dead on the web SDR after about a minute or two. When I reload the page all is fine again for a limited time. I am using MS Edge with Windows 10.

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

QSY to 160m FT8 RX

At about 1615z, I QSYed from 10m to 160m FT8 RX. Already there are Europeans coming through. 5 stations spotted in 3 countries within 10 minutes. Best DX on 160m FT8 RX is UT4XU (1963km).

Boots and flowers - NOT amateur radio

Our local Montessori school has found a great way to use odd boots and make the place inviting too.

New radio - pass

After oscillating between several new radios, I have decided to purchase none at this time. It seems my trusty FT817ND does all I need, so I will not invest in a new radio at the moment. If I really can't decide and I am content with what I have, why bother?

10m FT8 RX

As is my usual pattern, I am on 10m FT8 RX for the day. If I get any spots, I shall be pleased!

UPDATE 1548z: Just LA3VEA (1127km) spotted so far today.