19 May 2018

Dunstable Downs Boot Sale Sunday

This came in by a different route from my usual rally alerts.


Summer migrant birds - NOT amateur radio

Here in East Anglia, UK, summer migrant bird numbers are definitely down. Although I have seen swallows and swifts up here, there appear to be fewer. In S.Devon there seemed to be quite a few.

Dayton disapointment

So it looks like, better late than never, Yaesu and Kenwood are joining the SDR club.

However, what I see looks like a couple of expensive transceivers aimed at those with deep pockets rather than those with more modest budgets to spend on the hobby.

Will we ever see the Japanese produce a low cost SDR (portable?) transceiver? The Chinese are coming up fast and will soon have truly competitive products in terms of performance and build quality at much lower prices. Unless they are very careful, the Japanese will be too late to the party.

6m FT8

Yet again, after a very brief TX period before breakfast (2.5W, 1 local spot), I have been RX only ever since. So far, 12 different stations in 3 countries spotted with best DX spotted F5NBQ (746km).

UPDATE 1000z: Now 17 different stations spotted in 3 countries.

UPDATE  1840z: Countless stations in 14 countries and 2 continents on 6m FT8 RX so far today.

Royal wedding - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am not a great royalist and I hate the wall to wall coverage of this event, especially the hats people will be wearing and the food to be eaten at some remote street party. This is especially galling when "real" news is relegated to insignificance.

However, the last 12 months (and more) have been difficult and people are looking for light relief. The royal wedding is a good distraction and generally makes people feel better. This I do understand.

Sunspots - Saturday May 19th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today. The sunspot number remains zero. A=4 and K=2.

18 May 2018

USA and Climate Change - NOT amateur radio

It appears that the US House Committee on Appropriations may have re-instated NASA funding for climate change research that the US president quietly withdrew.

See https://thinkprogress.org/nasa-vote-house-climate-science-97ad7bc62c01/

Scottish Rally (Glasgow)


Kings Inch Road, Glasgow G51 4BN. Doors open from10am to 5pm and entry is £4.50. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy, flea market, special interest groups and an RSGB bookstall. There will be lectures on the day. Catering and a licensed bar are on site. There will be a raffle. More from Andrew Hood, GM7GDE, 07825 932 488, radiorally@scotlandmail.com.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

UK retail - NOT amateur radio

For some reason, my wife likes shopping at Waitrose, a  major UK food retailer, part of the John Lewis Partnership.

In recent years, like most high street retailers, they have found the going tough. John Lewis tends to have loyal customers, but I feel even these are going elsewhere for some of their shopping. Take our Newmarket Waitrose. I feel sure that when a local Aldi opens up they will suffer as some people will buy some of the same brands there at lower cost.

It was even reported in the newspapers that Amazon approached Waitrose last year, informally, as they want to buy a major UK food retailer.

No, the retail market is a very tough business. The companies that will survive will be those that have an attractive high street shop and an online business. Those that do not are likely to fail. Sadly, many of us now buy online. This is the reality of the 21st century. Adapt or die.

Dayton Hamvention - Ohio, USA

This weekend is the biggest event in the amateur community across the world. All the big amateur vendors are there as well as a huge flea market (I expect you could even buy fleas!).

As I have never been, I depend on press releases and individuals to provide me with news.

So far, I have heard that Yaesu will be joining the SDR club with a new HF/50MHz transceiver. From what I have seen they continue to follow rather than lead. This is not the mark of a successful company. These days they seem to have forgotten how to innovate. Yaesu, are you short of cash?

See http://hamvention.org/