13 Mar 2018

The end of 1p and 2p coins in the UK? - NOT amateur radio

It surprises me these UK "copper" coins have lasted this long. Basically, they are a nuisance these days. Apparently the government is reviewing whether or not these should continue. Personally, I'd be happy to see these go.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-43388662 .

70cm UKAC activity contest

This evening is the March leg of the 70cm RSGB activity contest. It starts at 2000z and lasts for 2.5 hours, although I usually manage about 30 minutes with my poor voice. My gear is totally unsuitable! I run 5W to a 2m halo. In many 70cm contests I manage to get over 100km surprisingly, even with this setup.

See http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/contest_rules.pl?contest=70cmsukac .

In the end I only stopped on for about 20 minutes, but worked 4 stations, one at good range.

10m FT8 RX

A few moments ago I went on 10m FT8 RX. This is a late start for me. Should there be any "real" DX around, I expect this will be later. I am not too hopeful!

UPDATE 1850z: Nothing!  I need to check everything is working.

UPDATE 2040z: Out of a dead band pops VP8LP (12773km).

Summer migrant birds - NOT amateur radio

The first sand martins have been reported as arriving in Devon. Usually swallows follow in early April. Spring is springing!

See https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/bird-a-z/sand-martin .

"Our" windmill next door - NOT amateur radio

This picture was taken earlier today. It shows the windmill next to our home in early spring.

The hedge in front is not yet in leaf. Another 4-8 weeks and things will be different.

Sunspots - Tuesday March 13th 2018

Solar flux is 68 today and the sunspot number is zero. A=3 and K=2.

12 Mar 2018

Importing direct from China

For obvious reasons I won't name him, but a friend has just imported an SDR rig (the same one MLS wanted to charge £550 for) for just over £300 delivered in a matter of days. At this price, you can even afford to buy a second unit at less cost than the new FT818, and the spec is much better. The only thing that worries me is the guarantee.

In the coming years the Japanese will struggle.

Cambridge University Botanic Garden - NOT amateur radio

A few posts back I mentioned our visit to the Cambridge University Botanic Garden. At the moment it is a good place to see spring flowers. They have a nice café there too. Tips: there is free water just beyond the serving hatch and the Trumpington Park and Ride bus stops right outside.

See http://www.botanic.cam.ac.uk/Botanic/Home.aspx  .

Birthday cake - NOT amateur radio

My younger grandson was 9 years old a few weeks ago. Yesterday he had his party.

He is mad on owls, so why not an owl cake?

OFCOM spectrum auction

As I have said many times, bleating about auctions beats real work any time. Well done OFCOM. Money talks and nothing else, it would allegedly seem, matters.

Perhaps I should have offered £5 for the spectrum. Oh, silly me, they are after a few billions!

It is high time they brought back the GPO and did away with this toothless quango. Personal view - in a democracy others are free to hold different views.

See http://ofcom.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/i/69E34BCB22A8F2B02540EF23F30FEDED/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C