17 Dec 2017

6m MSK144

At the moment, I am still monitoring 50.280MHz MSK144 RX. In the last 12 hours 5 unique stations have been received in 3 countries with best DX OZ4VV (772km) in northern Denmark. These could be random MS or aircraft reflections. Either way it just shows that 6m DX can be worked at any time of the year. In the last day 12 uniques in 6 countries.

UPDATE 1515z: 8 uniques in 4 countries on 6m MSK144 in the last 12 hours.

UPDATE 1712z: 9 uniques in 5 countries now in last 12 hours on 6m MSK144.

16 Dec 2017

Amateur radio when driving

My son's brother-in-law was killed by a distracted driver. My view is DO NOT do anything that will distract you when driving. Even fiddling with the car radio is a distraction. Operating amateur radio gear on the move, even hands-free, is a no-no in my view.

In a split second a life can be changed for ever or ended. The knock-on impacts the family, friends and the driver FOR EVER. Amateur radio is just a hobby. Pull over to operate /M. It can wait.

Cycle 25

We are approaching the next solar minimum. Opinions vary on the next peak, but most seem to agree it will not be great. Thank goodness for digital modes which allow us to make the best of poor conditions. Es, which peaks in May, June and July in the northern hemisphere, is often as good or better when F layer propagation is poor.  Es DX can be spectacular.

See http://spaceweather.com/

6m MSK144 RX

As 6m MSK144 RX seemed promising, I have stayed on this band and mode all last night and today. Best DX copied is GM3NKG (474km). I suspect this is now either aircraft reflection or random MS.

Sunspots - Saturday December 16th 2017

Solar flux is 71 today and the sunspot number is zero again. A=5 and K=1.

15 Dec 2017

Android WSPR beacon

To say I am a WSPR fan is an understatement! Nothing compares with the ability to span the globe with QRP, perhaps excepting OPERA. I see there is a WSPR app (Android) which allows a tablet to be hooked up to a rig to form a WSPR beacon. The app costs £1.58.

See https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iu4apc.wsprbeacon

Busy eating curry - NOT amateur radio

They all look miserable, but actually they are a friendly and happy bunch! 

Every month I go for a meal (different pubs in the area) with ex-work colleagues and this time it was a curry night at the pub (buffet) and everyone is tucking in! The curry was great.

ICOM IC7300 - time for a price drop?

Much to my surprise the price has still to fall, although there are "cracks": some are now offering the rig with free gifts.

Personally, I can wait. It is a good rig, but to my mind, the dealers have had a very good time and very good profits. Now is the time to drop the price. Sub £1000 please - soon.

BREXIT next stages - NOT amateur radio

Apparently the EU has agreed to move to the next stage in talks with the UK on its wish to leave. No doubt these talks will be hard, especially as Theresa May, the UK Prime Minister, is leader of a government only propped up by a group of Ulster MPs who don't like gays and abortions allegedly. I am not clear of my facts here.

Personally, I think the EU is fearful of other leavers and is concerned the EU could fall apart. There was much good in this "club", but much wrong too. In the end I hope we all strike a good deal in the best interests of all.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42368096 .

Desperately tired - NOT amateur radio

It is nearly 4 years since I was discharged from hospital, where I had been for 3.5 months following my stroke. In many ways I am lucky. However 15-20 minutes of physical or mental effort leaves me desperately tired. Others just do not "get it". My tiredness is utterly draining and then I am fine again. My voice is poor too.

Although I am still hopeful of further small improvements, I suspect how I am is how I am going to be. In the meantime, I still enjoy life. We are dealt a card in life and have to make the best of it.