16 Sept 2017

Vesuvius - NOT amateur radio

Periodically, this Italian volcano erupts. When it does, as in AD79, the results can be devastating.  Today it broods menacingly. Millions live nearby playing Russian roulette.

Italian Beams

When I first got interested in amateur radio in the 1960s, we heard lots of Italians, many with big signals that were often poor. In recent years there are still Italians on, but with much better signals. On our holiday (as I usually do - call me sad) I notice how many HF beams I see. So far, I have only seen a couple and these could be CB antennas. I was expecting far more.

Virtual Ham Radio

Although this does not "float my boat" some may be attracted to virtual ham radio, where the internet is used to simulate the ionosphere. If you just want to talk to like-minded others, this may satisfy some as conditions on the higher bands get worse for DX.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/virtual/hamsphere .

Sunspots - Saturday September 16th 2017

Solar flux is 72 and the sunspot number 13. A=36 and K=5.

15 Sept 2017

Rally this weekend

The Campus, Highlands Lane, Weston-super-Mare BS24 7DX The venue has a large car park with space for 120 cars. Doors open from 10am and admission is £3 for adults. There will be trade stands, a Bring & Buy, auction at the end of the day and lectures. There will also be amusements and activities for all the family including competitions and contests, interactive displays and fun activities. Catering will be available on site. Enquiries to mjones129@btinternet.com or 01278 786 684. www.G4WSM.club

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/

Monte Cassino, Italy - NOT amateur radio

On our way to Caserta today we visited the abbey at Monte Cassino. This was totally destroyed in WW2 as it was believed to be occupied by Nazi forces blocking the allied assault on Rome and Northern Italy. It is perched high up above the town of Cassino. It was very old and totally rebuilt after the war ended. It took 20 years of rebuilding. 50000 people died before the allied forces took it in 1944. It occupies a very strategic point.

Geosynchronous amateur satellite?

As you know, we are entering a period which could last very many years when the higher HF bands will not be good for F layer DX. OK, we will have Es to liven things up, but much of the time bands like 10m will seem "dead".

To the rescue (if successful and this is a big "if") could come amateur geosynchronous satellites using linear transponders at microwaves. One such is a Qatar satellite that may be launched next year. I say "maybe" as the launch has already been delayed. Geosynchronous satellites stay in the same place, so antennas can be fixed.

A 2.4GHz uplink and 10GHz downlink is quite an investment, but could be worth it if the satellite is a success.

See https://amsat-uk.org/satellites/geosynchronous/eshail-2/

Sunspots - Friday September 15th 2017

Solar flux is 73 today and the sunspot number 11. A=25 and K=6.

Colosseum, Rome - NOT amateur radio

Another shot from Rome yesterday - this time the famous Colosseum. This is an amazing place. As I said yesterday, Rome was very busy.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colosseum.

14 Sept 2017

Rome, Italy - NOT amateur radio

Today, we visited Rome, Italy. We were last there in 1974. We saw most of the main sites, but all were very crowded and heavily guarded by armed police and troops. It is still a fine city though.