1 Apr 2016

Aldi Mini Bench Grinder - NOT amateur radio

See https://www.aldi.co.uk/mini-bench-grinder/p/069369016930200.

Steve G1KQH has just bought a mini bench grinder from Aldi for £26.99. This is only available in their stores and not online. Aldi certainly have some low cost items.

FTSE 100 falling? - NOT amateur radio

I see that the UK share index, the FTSE 100, has fallen quite sharply this morning. The last time I looked it was 6093.16 down 1.32%.

UPDATE 1532z:  It seems to be recovering and stands at 6148.79 currently. This is still down but not as bad as earlier.

Upcoming UK Rally

We are entering the main season for radio rallies and I have received notification of this one:-

The following Radio Rallies are coming soon:

Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker, Nantwich, Cheshire, CW5 8AL

Sale of electronic equipment, amateur gear, components, military radio sets and vehicle spares. Doors open 10am, There will be trade stands and catering is available on site.

Further details from Lucy on 01270 623 353 or by email to Lucy@hackgreen.co.uk. www.hackgreen.co.uk.

A list of rallies can be found at http://rsgb.org/main/news/rallies/.

OFCOM and the RSGB (via Southgate News)

Southgate News has a link to a recent meeting between the RSGB and OFCOM.

Southgate News usually has something of interest most days.

Return to 10m WSPR

We have a guest, so I was not active overnight, but I returned to 10m WSPR at 0915z this morning. Yesterday 10m was disappointing with just Gs spotted. I am not  too hopeful about 10m today. maybe there will be a little short skip and a few Gs?

UPDATE 0926z:  No 10m WSPR spots as yet.

UPDATE 1536z:  Apart from one spot by G7OKV (61km) earlier, there have been no 10m WSPR spots given or received all day here. Dire.

Sunspots and 10m - Fri April 1st 2016

No April Fools here...

Solar flux is 81 today and the sunspot number is just 11. K=0. The forecast for 10m propagation remains "poor" today. I think we are going to be struggling on 10m this autumn and winter.

31 Mar 2016

QRP Marathon

From Oleg:

Dear Friends,
keep your QRP activity over April

welcome all QRP operators to take a part in the QRP Marathon "Look In the Horizon" over all April month. See rules on the Club 72 web page. Sign-In form will be open at 00 UTC April 1'st.
Honor certificate will be send to all participants.
Wish you good luck with collection of "LUK" points!
Wish you all the best, 72!
Oleg "Mr. 72" RV3GM / KH6OB

Quiet on 10m WSPR today

Although I've been on 10m WSPR TX and RX since mid-morning, I have seen no DX as yet. M0JEK (68km) has been spotted a couple of times, but otherwise it has been very quiet here so far today. Judging by the Doppler, I think the reception of M0JEK was aided by aircraft.

Cynical, me? - NOT amateur radio

OK, I know I am becoming a grumpy old man but I was not impressed by the latest statements that the exchange of nuclear waste with the USA would benefit cancer sufferers. To me, this sounds like "spin" which we can well do without. We are NOT stupid.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35930906 .

Over 1000km on 472kHz TX (5mW ERP)

It's funny, but I had a feeling that last night was going to be "the night". LA8AV (1035km) managed to decode me on 472kHz WSPR in the early hours at 0020z. This is the best TX DX on 472kHz this season and I was pleased, yet again, to break the 1000km barrier. As before, I am still using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.  I find the results incredible. Only 1.5 hours later the PC decided to close, presumably to install updates. On RX, I am using the same earth-electrodes with the barefoot (and slightly deaf) FT817, with no preamp externally.
630m WSPR last night - note LA8AV (1035km) at 0020z